本研究主要目的是合成出同時具有抗UVA和抗UVB的新奈米複合材料。此材料的外層具有抗UVA的氧化鋅,而內部可以充填抗UVB的化學性防曬劑,隨著時間的增加內部中的抗UVB的成份可以慢慢釋放在皮膚上,達到抗UVB的效果。所以本研究先合成出core/shell Poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO及空心Poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO之有機/無機複合粒子。再將model drug (caffeine)在不同條件下載入到複合粒子中,接著再觀察載完藥物的複合粒子在不同條件下的藥物釋控情形。
在本研究的結果中發現,氧化鋅主要是利用正負電荷物理性吸附原理,接枝在乳膠顆粒表面上。雖然本研究氧化鋅接枝在乳膠顆粒表面利用的是正負電荷相吸的物理性吸附,但是經由我們純化的方式還是無法將氧化鋅去除,由此可說明氧化鋅是非常堅固的吸附在乳膠顆粒表面上,我們推測可能是所合成出來的奈米氧化鋅顆粒夠小,造成奈米氧化鋅與乳膠顆粒表面之間有一股強大的凡得瓦引力。所以氧化鋅能成左滷答K在乳膠顆粒表面可能是凡得瓦引力和正負電荷相吸,此兩種力量所造成的。 In this study, we synthesized poly(methyl methacrylate – methyl acrylic acid)/nano ZnO (poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO) composite particle latexes with dense structure and hollow structure respectively. The nano-ZnO, which has the ability to prevent the damage of UVA, adsorbed on the surface of poly(MMA-MAA) particle latex to form the poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO composite particle latex . The poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO composite particle latex can be used as carriers to load with anti UVB chemical sunscreen. Then the chemical sunscreen slowly released from poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO composite particle latex to prevent the damage of UVB. Therefore, this poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO composite particle latex has the ability to prevent the damage of both UVA and UVB. The morphology of poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO composite particle latex was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Besides, we used caffeine as model drug to study the ability of drug loading of poly(MMA-MAA)/ZnO composite particle latex with dense structure and hollow structure respectively. The effect of various variables on the control release of caffeine was also studied.