摘要: | 近年來我國醫療產業受到各項醫療政策的改革而發生大幅的變動,而醫管專業人員的地位也隨之在醫療機構的經營管理上受到重視。本研究旨在從實務面來探討醫管人員應具備的醫管專業知識與相關技能。本研究以行政院衛生署90-93年度醫院評鑑暨教學醫院評鑑合格名單之地區級以上醫院為研究母體,樣本醫院共計300家,並以醫院院長為研究對象,同時以結構式問卷做為研究工具,資料收集採郵寄問卷方式進行,其中回收之有效問卷共計197份,回收率為65.7%,本研究主要獲得以下結論:
三、在考量醫院屬性別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,管理能力著重於「創新育成能力」、「溝通整合能力」、「組織企劃能力」。
四、在考量醫院評鑑別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,管理能力著重於「創新育成能力」、「溝通整合能力」、「組織企劃能力」。
五、在考量醫院地區別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,管理能力著重於「創新育成能力」、「溝通整合能力」、「組織企劃能力」。
六、在考量醫院屬性別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,專業能力著重於「風險應變管理能力」、「流程規劃能力」、「經營策略管理能力」。
七、在考量醫院評鑑別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,專業能力著重於「風險應變管理能力」、「流程規劃能力」、「經營策略管理能力」。
八、在考量醫院地區別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,專業能力著重於「風險應變管理能力」、「流程規劃能力」、「經營策略管理能力」。
九、在考量醫院規模別不同的情況下,醫院院長在年齡別、學歷別、 教育背景別、以及有無接受醫管訓練條件下,專業能力著重於「風險應變管理能力」、「流程規劃能力」、「經營策略管理能力」。 In recent years Taiwan’s healthcare industry has gone through some drastic changes as a consequence to various modifications of healthcare policies, the role of the healthcare workers in terms of their managerial skills to cope with these changes is, therefore, heightened. This study intends to explore the extent of professional knowledge and related abilities healthcare works should possess in the practical aspect of healthcare. This study targets hospitals and teaching hospitals that were certified by the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan in the years of 2001 - 2004, these numbered 300 hospitals. The hospital administrators are selected as the object of research, with a structured questionnaire as the research tool. The questionnaires are sent and collected by mail; 197 valid replies are collected, or a return rate of 65.7%. The following conclusions are reached:
1. Healthcare management personnel should possess six major management capabilities, these include: “organizational planning competency”, “lead and command competency”, “independent advancement competency”, “create and nurture competency”, “communication and unifying competency” and “logical assessment competency”. Of these, the competency to create and nurture is the most important.
2. Healthcare management personnel should possess six major professional capabilities, these include: “operational strategy management competency”, “marketing and sales competency”, “crisis management competency”, “material purchasing and acquisition competency”, “flowchart formulation and management competency”, “financial and cost management competency” and “health insurance claim management competency”. Of these “crisis management” is the most important.
3. Given the condition of hospitals with variable affiliations and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ management capabilities should emphasize the areas of “create and nurture competency”, “communication and unifying competency” and “organizational planning competency”.
4. Given the condition of hospitals with variable certifications and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ management capabilities should emphasize the areas of “create and nurture competency”, “communication and unifying competency” and “organizational planning competency”.
5. Given the condition of hospitals with variable physical locations and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ management capabilities should emphasize the areas of “create and nurture competency”, “communication and unifying competency” and “organizational planning competency”.
6. Given the condition of hospitals with variable affiliations and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ professional capabilities should emphasize the areas of “crisis management competency”, “flowchart formulation and management competency” and “operational strategy management competency”
7. Given the condition of hospitals with variable certifications and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ professional capabilities should emphasize the areas of “crisis management competency”, “flowchart formulation and management competency” and “operational strategy management competency”
8. Given the condition of hospitals with variable physical locations and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ professional capabilities should emphasize the areas of “crisis management competency”, “flowchart formulation and management competency” and “operational strategy management competency”
9. Given the condition of hospitals with variable sizes and while disregarding factors such as age, education, family upbringing background and healthcare management training, the hospital administrators’ professional capabilities should emphasize the areas of “crisis management competency”, “flowchart formulation and management competency” and “operational strategy management competency” |