質:Luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucoside (1)、Kaempferol (2)、Rutin (3)、
質:Scopoletin (5)。由上述二種中藥分離的五個化合物,均具有掃除
自由基DPPH 和抑制酪氨酸酶的活性。進一步對具有抑制酪氨酸酶活
性的有效成分Kaempferol (2)進行酵素動力學的研究,發現其在抑制
酪氨酸酶活性機制上是屬於競爭性的抑 Following the development of economics, the cosmetics market
has been boosted as well. The application of herb natural products as
components of the cosmetic products is a trend at present in the cosmetic
industry. Two herbs, Sophora japonica L. and Lycium chinense Mill.,
were studied in order to isolate their antioxidative and whitening
components. From the 95% ethanol extract of Sophora japonica L., four
components were isolated: luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucoside (1), kaempferol
(2), rutin (3) and quercetin (4). From the 95% ethanol extract of Lycium
chinense Mill., one compound was isolated: scopoletin (5). Among of
isolated five compounds, Luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucoside (1), kaempferol (2),
rutin (3), quercetin (4), and scopoletin (5) show DPPH scavenging
activity and inhibit tyrosinase activity. In the kinetic analysis, component
kaempferol (2) was shown to inhibit mushroom tyrosinase in competitive