由上述實驗結果推論,將枸杞取萃取物添加於化粧品中,對於化粧品防曬方面的弁鄖繭L顯著的影響,但是添加枸杞取萃取物對於提高產品抗氧化能力與保濕能力方面的弁鈶釣膃野翮悸漁蘆G。 Lycium Chinese Miller has long being known in Chinese medicinal literatures as health keeping herb. According to the mentioned properties of fleck fading, anti-oxidative ability and keeping good looking in the literature. Lycium Chinese Miller was chosen for this study. Lycium Chinese Miller extracts were first obtained by using methanol and deionized water as extracted solvent under various extracting conditions. The properties of Lycium Chinese Miller extracts and the efficacy of cosmetics added with Lycium Chinese Miller extracts were then evaluated.
The ultraviolet radiation absorption characteristics of all these extracts show a maximum absorption near 260nm. However, the product extracted by methanol shows the highest absorption as compared with other extracts under different extraction conditions.
The results from DPPH radical scavenging test show that the product extracted by methanol has the highest DPPH radical scavenging ability than other extracts. Its scavenging ratio reaches 92.93% with extract concentration of 2mg/mL. Moreover, no matter how the extracts was obtained, the DPPH radical scavenging ability are increased as the concentration of extracts increased.
As for the efficacy evalution of lotion and cream, the highest water holding capacity of stratum corneum can be achieved when the lotion with extract obtained by 100oC hot water extraction was applied to the skin. The sun protection factor(SPF)measureemnt result shows that the effect of cream added with Lycium Chinese Miller extracts on SPF value was not obvious.
It is concluded that the effect of Lycium Chinese Miller extracts on sun protection factor are not obvious, however, Lycium Chinese Miller extracts have positive effect on the antioxidant activity and water holding capacity of cosmetic product.