本研究的調查對象乃是各著名溫泉區之具代表性之溫泉旅館,藉由案例研究以了解當前的台灣溫泉業者的溫泉使用現況,期能建立個別案例溫泉浴槽系統中的泉量與溫泉水質變化情形,以作為未來溫泉循環淨化或操作使用之基礎。根據本論文所進行之案例研究,非循環溫泉計有北投溫泉區一處金山溫泉區二處、四重溪溫泉區ㄧ處、知本溫泉區ㄧ處及金崙溫泉區ㄧ處;循環溫泉計有北投溫泉區一處、泰安溫泉一處、不老溫泉一處、不老溫泉一處、寶來溫泉區ㄧ處及四重溪溫泉區ㄧ處。將上述地點進行溫泉現場採樣後,pH、溫度、導電度等採現場分析,總菌落數及離子含量則帶回實驗室分析;總菌落之檢測方法採塗抹法,離子含量則採用離子層析儀,水量量測方法則使用容器法。其資料內涵包括原泉使用量、降溫冷水量、各使用單元循環泉量、各使用單元排出泉量、反洗水量、循環泉總量、排出泉總量等,水質資料則有pH值、溫度、導電度與總溶解固體量、溫泉成份: K+、Na+、NH4+ 、Ca2+、Mg2+、F-、Cl-、SO42-、溫泉氧化還原電位及總菌落數,再藉由上述資料做循環與非循環泉之比較,以探討經循環過濾系統後之循環泉在水質上的變化。以本研究案例中,大眾池之總菌落數檢測為例,非循環泉不合格率為67%;循環泉不合格率為0。經過本研究的探討,循環後的溫泉水質不但可符合溫泉標準,且其衛生狀況亦較非循環泉為佳,因此若能落實溫泉循環再利用,不但能減輕將來業者對溫泉取用費以及水污費繳納負擔,更能降低對環境及溫泉資源的負擔,進而達到溫泉資源永續利用的目的。 The conditions of hot-spring usage in Taiwan were investigated in this study. The quantity and quality of hot-spring in the consumption system of typical hot-spring resorts are measured to establish a case-based database in Taiwan .
Research objects were investigated in Taiwanese famous hot-spring areas, such as Peitou Area , Sz-Chung-Shi Area, Chipen Area, Jin-Lun Area, Jhinsan Area, Tai-an Area, Bulao Area and Baolai Area. The objects can be divided into two categories, one is recirculation case and another is non-recirculation case. All the cases were studied through “Field” and “Lab” analysis. The measuring items in “Field” analysis include pH, temperature, conductivity, ORP and hot-spring flow rate. The measuring items in “Lab” analysis include total colony forming units (CFU) and chemical ions such as K+、Na+、NH4+ 、Ca2+、Mg2+、F-、Cl-、SO42-.
This study results showed that recirculational hot-springs, not only water quality, but also public hygienical condition are superior to non-recirculational hot-springs. Hence, implementations of recirculation and re-using hot-springs not only reduce the proprietors’ burden of tax, but also decrease the negative effects upon the environment and natural hot-springs resources. Further, achieve the sustainability of hot-springs are expected.