摘要: | 可控制性低強度混凝土(CLSM)具備高度流動性以及自我填充之特性。本研究以廢玻璃取代不同比例之細骨材為主,進行CLSM 單軸抗壓試驗,取得完整應力應變關係,再以添加藥劑、粗骨材減量、膠結料以不同比例之水泥、飛灰、爐石及土壤混合、單純以土壤及廢玻璃完全取代細骨材等多項變數交叉探討各變數之影響,比較實驗中各項配比之抗壓強度、坍度、費用,並試著找出最佳配比範圍供工程界使用。
結果顯示:廢玻璃之取代率愈大,則工作性愈差,強度愈強、粗骨材減量有利於提昇工作性、不同之膠結料則對強度有不同影響;若將費用列入考量,則以土壤及廢玻璃完全取代細骨材之配比較為可行。 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) is a self-compacted, flowable material. Present paper mostly used waste glass replace different parts of fine aggregates. The stress-strain curves are obtained by the uniaxial compression test. And added a medicine、decreased different parts of coarse aggregates、take different ratio of admixture, fly ash、slag、soil, into binders、used soil and waste glass replace all of the fine aggregates to conferred the influence of each variable. Correlated compress strength with slump and economy, and try to find a better range to supply to engineering field.
The results show that the rate of fine aggregates replace with waste glass higher, the slump will be lower and the compress strength will be better. Decrease coarse aggregates is good to slump. Different binders have different effect on compress strength. But if we take economy into account, use soil and waste glass replace all of the fine aggregates is development. |