摘要: | 在回歸大自然的趨勢下,目前化粧品多傾向運用中草藥及天然花草植物做為原料或添加劑,桑樹(Morus alba.)被當成傳統中草藥使用於治療人類的疾病已有很長的歷史,根據文獻記載,桑樹具有補血、治耳鳴、降血壓、助消化、久服黑髮明目、消渴、降血糖、治血崩等作用。
因此,本研究乃著重於探討台灣固有植物-台灣產小葉桑 (Morus australis Poir.) 的萃取物與市售桑科植物抑制酪胺酸酶的活性效果及抗氧化等活性成份之差異,進而,利用色層分析法(HPLC)建立台灣小葉桑萃取物MADC、MADM 及市售桑科植物MⅠM、MⅡM、MⅢM、MⅣM之層析指紋圖。實驗中,我們採用新鮮台灣小葉桑樹,取其桑葉、桑枝、桑枝皮、桑莖、桑莖皮、桑椹(未成熟果實)等六部分,以水冷浸方法萃取濃縮,比對市售的桑科植物之萃取物,以探討台灣小葉桑各部位萃取物與市售桑白皮萃取物之活性成份差異。
結果顯示,體外試驗中台灣小葉桑萃取物MADM抑制酪胺酸酶能力高達90%(0.1mg/ml);在清除自由基作用方面,運用DPPH、TEAC等方法進行實驗。結果發現MADM和市售桑科植物MAⅠM、MAⅡM、MAⅢM在DPPH方面SC50分別為 31, 187, 249, 77 μg /ml;在TEAC方面MADM之SC50為 15.6 μg /ml。
由本研究結果可推知,小葉桑萃取物應為一有效且安全的美白成分,可作為美白化妝品製造的活性成份選擇之一,其主要活性化合物則值得進一步確認。 The application of herb natural products as a component of the cosmetic products is a trend at present in the cosmetics industry. A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Morus alba has a long history to treat humans diseases, which were reported such as tonic for blood and yin, and treatment of vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia with palpitation, weak digestion, premature white hair, thirst, diabetes with heat, and diarrhea with blood deficient.
In our present study, formosan folk medicine–M. Australis was investigated its whitening effect via the anti-tyrosinase assay and radical scavenging. Moreover, the comparison on the HPLC profiles of the extracts of M. australis’ MADC、MADM、 MⅠM、MⅡM、MⅢM and MⅣM was included in our study. We further separated the plant of M. australis into different parts, as leaves, branch (young twigs), branch-bark, stem, stem-bark, and unripe fruits to explore their inhibitory effects toward tyrosinase in contrast to the whitening effect of the commercial TCM drug, Son-Pai-Pi, the root-bark of M. alba.
Our results indicated that the extracts of M. australis’ MADM showed the inhibitory ratio toward typrosinase up to 90%, whereas the extract of Son-Pai-Pi did not show inhibitory toward tyrosinase. As for radical scavenging, DPPH, TEAC methods were conducted. It shows that the minimum inhibition concentrations by MADM, MAⅠM, MAⅡM , and MAⅢM are (1) 31, 187, 249,77 μg /ml respectively for DPPH SC50, (2) MADM is 15.6 μg /ml for TEAC SC50.
Based on our results, the MADM extracts of M. australis could be regarded as a component of a cosmetic product with whitening function. However, more detailed studies on the bioactive components of these extracts are necessary. |