研究結果發現醫師比院長和資訊人員對醫療知識管理系統更為陌生,但是對於醫療知識管理系統的預期弁遄A主要須能幫助醫療品質提升和促進知識分享的看法是一致認同 。對於認知建構醫療知識管理系統之關鍵成它]素則主要可分為「知識/資訊品質」、「使用者因素」、「系統品質」、「組織因素」、「資訊科技基礎架構及設施」、「系統設計能力」和「政策因素」等七大構面。除了「系統設計能力」和「政策因素」較偏向資訊人員的觀點,其他五項構面是三類利害關係人所共同認知的。
此研究結果彙集各利害關係人的觀點,因此期待可提供醫院管理者與資訊科技業界在規劃與建置醫療知識管理系統時可有一完整的模式參考;而利害關係人之間認知差異部分,期待有助於釐清醫療知識管理系統建構時之相關參與者與其扮演的角色。 Medical industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, where investing knowledge management and setting up the database for electronic health knowledge is essential. However, there are very few relevant studies concerning the key success factors of constructing a medical knowledge management in hospitals. Therefore, this study is qualitative in nature. It explores the cognition of constructing a medical knowledge management system from different stakeholders’ points of view, including users’ (physicians), top managers (president, vice-president), and information department staff. The study tries to combine and compare the key success factors to constructing the medical knowledge management system of each stakeholder. Finally, it hopes to build a model concerning success key factors of constructing a medical knowledge management system in hospitals.
The result of the study finds that the users (physicians) have less understanding to the medical knowledge management system than the presidents and information staff. Even though, the three types of stakeholders all expect that a medical knowledge management system should facilitate medical quality improvement and knowledge sharing promotion. Key success factors of constructing medical knowledge management system have been synthesized into seven constructs including ‘knowledge / information quality’, ‘users’ factor’, ‘systematic quality’, ‘organizational factor’, ‘IT infrastructure and facility’, ‘system designed capacity’ and ‘policy factor’.Except that ‘system designed capacity’and ‘policy factor’ relatively leans to information personnel's view, other five constructs are what three types of stakeholders commonly recognized.
The study is the first to synthesize views of different stakeholders. Therefore, the results are expected to offer healthcare managers and information professionals a holistic model in planning and constructing medical knowledge management systems. Besides, they are also helpful for clarifying the roles and perceptions of different stakeholders when introducing medical knowledge systems.