本研究以毛豆高雄5號(KS5)、毛豆高雄7號(KS7)、丹波黑大豆(TB)及毛豆台南選1號(TN1)等國產毛豆與青仁黑豆台南3號(TN3)及黃仁黑豆台南5號(TN5)國產黑豆為材料。利用稻香米酒及月桂冠清酒製成黑豆酒,利用總酚類化合物含量測定、DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl)自由基清除能力之測定、亞鐵離子螯合能力、還原能力測定、硫巴比妥酸測定等方法,偵測各種黑豆酒之抗氧化活性。
研究結果顯示:(1)青仁黑豆台南3號之米酒和清酒萃取液之抗氧化活性比黃仁黑豆台南5號具高。毛豆各品種則以KS7的抗氧化活性較高,而且KS7之抗氧化活性與青仁黑豆台南3號相當。(2)六種國產大豆品種,都以米酒萃取液的抗氧化活性較佳,而且抗氧化活性會隨著儲存時間愈久而下降。(3)在螯合亞鐵離子實驗中,僅TN3及KS7具螯合力,其中又以清酒組之抗氧化活性較好,當儲存期達到60天時,KS7已不具螯合能力。整體而言,黑豆比毛豆具有較佳之抗氧化活性。 The objective of these studies are to determine the antioxidative capacity of black soybean from green-cotylendon black soybean(T3) and yellow- cotylendon black soybean(TN5), utilize the rice wine and sake to make black soybean wine. Total phenolic content, DPPH scavenging, reducing power, ferrous ion chelating power and thiobarbituric acid method were used to determine the antioxidative activity.
The results shown that rice wine and sake extracts of TN3 has higher antioxidant activities than these of TN5 in domestic black soybean;its has higher antioxidant activity of KS7 in the variety of domestic edamame . Find that the antioxidant activation of KS7 is equal to TN3 after compared to black soybean and edamame, but it is most serious to oxidize the degree of TN3 and KS7 in thiobarbituric acid method . The antioxidant activity of rice wine group was higher from all domestic soybean, and the antioxidant activity was decrease with store time long. In the analysis of ferrous ion chelating power, it showed the TN3 and KS7 had the highest values. But it was not chelating power in the 60th, and the antioxidant activity of the sake group was better. It has antioxidant activity with TN3 and KS7 in all varieties, but it is the most serious to oxidize the degree. In conclusion, the antioxidative capacity of black soybean was higher than vegetable soybean.