本計劃擬選擇如意金黃散處方,進行第三年研究,以藥材之組織切片法先建立處方內各藥材之基原鑑定及藥材之指標成分TLC圖譜.並建立以麻油,乙醇,50%乙醇及水等不同溶媒抽取之最佳溶媒抽出液,及以最佳溶媒製成之如意金黃散藥膠布成品之指標成分TLC檢驗方法.建立一套完整性之檢驗參考依據,以確保藥膠布製劑在品質上之有效及安全. One kind of patch formula,Ju-Yi-Ging-Huang San, have been chosen as the model formulation in third years proposal. Every crud drugs in the formula will identified by tissue anatomy and the TLC spectrum of the chemical maekers.The formula of patch will be extracted using sesame oil,ethanol,50% ethanol and water,respective- ly,and will choose the best effective extractioon solvent for the manufactured.We will estabilish the methods of TLC to determine the chemical markers in the patch formula product. The results may used as a reference and quality control for setting standards of tranditional Chine- se medicine patches.