輛及輪胎需求量大增,車輛的使用必造成輪胎的磨損,當輪胎磨擦而呈平滑階段或破裂現象則進入淘汰的命運,每年所產生之廢胎數量據估計已高於1500 萬條,總計10 萬噸以上。國內每年產生約十萬公噸之廢輪胎,大多未能妥善回收再利用,成為病媒蚊滋生的溫床,對環境品質及衛生造成極大的衝擊。嚴重危害國人的健康。本計畫擬針對廢輪胎回收業所可能產生之安全衛生問題作診斷,配合法規需求及OHSAS管理系統探討該等產業安全衛生管理問題,並研擬改善策略。 The result of this study are as follows(1) Design a self-assessmene table to survey the execution of safety and hygiene by owners. (2) the owners had not fully established the safety and hygiene system.(3) We suggest owners must regulate a safety and hygiene system to prevent the occurrence of disaster.