正己烷為廣泛使用的有機溶劑,可溶解非極性與低極性有機物質。職業暴露正己烷曾引發暴露勞工多發性周邊神經病變。美國OSHA與ACGIH將PEL-TWA與TLV-TWA分別定為500ppm與50ppm,勞委會定正己烷的容許濃度為50ppm。本研究將做文獻探討研究作業勞工正己烷暴露評估採樣分析方法、勞工暴露現況、作業勞工暴露生物偵測方法與健康危害-辨色力影響評估。 n-Hexane a widely used organic solvent, can dissolve non-polar and low polar organic compounds. Occupational exposure to n-hexane induces toxicity on the peripheral nervous system. ACGIH and OSHA of the United States adopt the value of 50 ppm and 500 pm as its TLV-TWA and PEL-TWA respectively. In this report, the sampling and analysis method, biological monitoring, color vision effect of n-hexane are introduced and discussed.