純瀝青材料的性質如:黏度、延性與黏結力易受環境溫度影響。使用瀝青鋪設之路面常出現疲勞龜裂、低溫龜裂、老化、車轍和剝離等現象。輪胎經熱裂解後產生之炭質物因具與碳黑相似的結構,因此本研究探討廢輪胎熱裂解碳黑對瀝青機械性質的影響。利用不同粒徑之裂解碳黑與添加量對瀝青針入度、黏度、硬度等性質之影響。 The surface acidic functional groups of chars by pyrolysis of used tires, at atmospheric and under reduced pressure, and of commercial blacks were investigated. Char obtained under reduced pressure has the highest amount of acidic groups, while char obtained at atmospheric pressure has similar surface and carboxyl content after extraction with toluene for eight hours. The particle size and content of char obtained at atmospheric pressure used in this study (100、300、500 mesh each with3、6、9%) shows little or no effect on softening point and viscosity. This suggested that char could be used as filler in asphalt with at least 9% char blends.