本研究主要以操作員訪談,實施作業分析,建立事件樹及指派失誤率的方法,進行中油公司永安液化天然氣儲槽進卸料各種作業的人可靠度分析。在不計緊急停機作業一、二的情況下,總計其人為失誤率等於8.7*10/sup -2/。由此失誤率顯示永安廠平時必需做好安全管理,以及異常情況之緊急應變計畫。 本研究方法將來可應用在石化工廠製程單元的相關作業之上,藉以瞭解工廠之人為失誤,並建立國人的人可靠度資料庫。 The methodology applied in this report was previously used in nuclear power plants, but not in petrochemical or process industry. This time the whole procedure for conducting a human reliability analysis is tried and tested at Yung An LNG Terminal. The field study focuses on varied loading and unloading tasks of LNG tank. Total human error rate for all tasks which are exclusive of ESD-I and ESD-II is calculated. The methods and procedure adopted are to apply to process units and the following jobs: normal and abnormal operations, testing and calibration, maintenance tasks. It is suggested that the further research for human error and its predicative methods be continued, and that our own data bank be set up.