為充分瞭解掌握微過濾法過濾全程之阻塞機制,以增進其應用於固-液分離程序之成效,本文實驗中分別以單一粒徑之Latex與具有粒徑分佈之高嶺土和腐植酸等三種懸浮液為水樣,在各種不同的操作條件變化下(包括操作壓力、薄膜孔徑、微粒粒徑、懸浮液濃度以及溫度等),以垂直流和掃流過濾兩種型式進行過濾。並以Hermans 與Bredee所提出之四種過濾阻塞機制來檢視及驗證微過濾法過濾全程之阻塞行為。
由實驗結果得知,在不同的操作條件下,當薄膜孔徑小於微粒粒徑時,只有濾餅過濾模式出現,而當薄膜孔徑大於微粒粒徑時過濾初始區段多呈現出標準閉塞過濾模式,而後續之過濾區段則是出現濾餅過濾模式,而中間閉塞過濾模式與完全閉塞過濾模式在本實驗中均未出現,且當過濾條件的操作壓力越大、薄膜孔徑越小、過濾顆粒粒徑越大、懸浮液的濃度與溫度越高時,出現濾餅過濾模式的時間亦越早。另外,在部份實驗中之過濾初始區段,由於標準閉塞過濾機制與濾餅過濾機制同時發生,無法以單一過濾阻塞模式描述。 For understanding and improving the performance of microfiltration, four filtration mechanisms developed by Hermans and Bredee were used to investigate and verify the blocking phenomena in the entire cycle of microfiltration in this study. Latex suspension with unitary particle size, kaolin clay and humic acid with particle or molecular size distribution were used as water samples. Experiments of filtration containing dead-end and cross-flow modes were conducted under various operating conditions including pressure drop, membrane pore size, particle size, feed concentration and temperature.
It was found that the standard blocking mechanism occurred in the initial region and then the cake filtration mechanism followed up during filtration cycle when the particle size in the suspension was smaller than membrane pore size. The intermediate blocking mechanism and complete blocking mechanism were absent in all filtration experiments. In addition, the cake filtration mechanism appeared early with an increase in pressure drop, particle size, feed concentration and temperature, but it appeared later with a decrease in membrane pore size. Finally, both standard blocking mechanism and cake filtration mechanism simultaneously occurred in the initial region of some experiments. Therefore, it could not be described by unitary filtration mechanisms.