動力探討方面,使用兩階段反應模式來表示,第一階段求反應前5分鐘內的苯胺平均氧化速率,第二階段求反應5到30分鐘的反應常數K值。本研究使用兩種擔體(A1及B1)做為比較,在A1擔體系統中,求得苯胺平均氧化速率與反應常數K值,分別為15.40×10-4 M min-1與3.67×10-2 min-1;在B1擔體系統中求得苯胺平均氧化速率與反應常數K值,分別為16.00×10-4 M min-1與4.94×10-2 min-1。
從擔體鐵氧化物分析發現,A1與B1覆膜鐵中結晶比例,各別為39.91﹪與48.56﹪。 Fluidized bed(FB)Fenton process combines oxidization and crystallization reactions. It was employed to the treatment of synthetic aniline solution in this study. This method applied ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide to produce hydroxyl radicals for oxidizing the contaminants, and the occurred crystallization of iron sludge on the carrier surface.
Results show that FB Fenton and Fenton process have a similar. In the FB Fenton process, the initial pH, ferrous ion, hydrogen peroxide and aniline concentration would affect the degradation of aniline. The reaction rate increased with increasing ferrous ion and hydrogen peroxide concentration. The initial pH, hydrogen peroxide concentration and carrier dosage affected the adsorption and crystallization of iron sludge on the carrier surface.
Two-stage model is applied to describe the reaction kinetics. At the first stage average rate was calculated the first 5 minutes of reaction. At the second stage, data were regressed to obtain the rate constant, K. In this study, two kinds of carries(A1 and B1)were applied for comparison. In the A1 system, average oxidation rate of aniline was 15.40×10-4 M min-1 and constant K of aniline was 3.67×10-2 min-1;In the B1 system, average oxidation rate of aniline was 16.00×10-4 M min-1 and constant K of aniline was 4.94×10-2 min-1.
Comparing FB Fenton and Fenton process, we found that aniline removal efficiency by FB Fenton process was better than the conventional one at low pH and low ferrous ion concentration. Because FB Fenton process has homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, both of them can produce powerful hydroxyl radicals for oxidizing the contaminants.
According to the analysis of iron oxide on the carrier surface, crystallization ratio of A1 and B1carrier were 39.91﹪and 48.56﹪,respectively.