摘要: | 本研究利用環保署以民國89 年之線源排放資料庫(TEDS5.0),及本研
究團隊過去所建立機動車輛PAHs 之排放係數資料庫進行連結,利用網格
模式針對移動性污染源排放PAHs 加以估算。再將所估算之年排放量為基
準,假設機動車輛所排放之PAHs 平均貢獻於研究範圍內之每一網格
( 1km×1 km)上,利用ISC 模式模擬1999∼2003 年期間,在不同氣象條件
下,台灣南部地區主要都會區大氣中總PAHs 及總BaPeq 濃度之分佈狀況。
排放量推估結果:1.台灣地區線源每年排放總PAHs 約183 公噸、總
BaPeq 約443 公斤,其中總PAHs 年排放量以汽油車90.6 公噸最高、二行
程機車42.2 公噸次之,而柴油車總BaPeq排放量佔總排放量之53.7%最高。
2. 台灣地區之總PAHs 及總BaPeq 單位面積承受量以高雄市最高(105、
0.209kg/yr/km2),又直(院)轄市較縣治區域為高,以高雄市之總PAHs 及
總BaPeq 承受量為高雄縣之24.6 倍及19.7 倍差異最大,又為總PAHs 及
總BaPeq 排放量最大的台北縣之9.2 倍及8 倍,結果顯示都會地區之單位
面積污染承受量遠大非都會地區。南部主要都會區大氣PAHs 之濃度模擬
結果:1.在假設最穩定之大氣穩定度條件下,以高雄市總PAHs 濃度分佈
範圍為40∼260 ng/m3、平均濃度值為130 ng/m3 最高,其次為嘉義市及台
南市,總PAHs 濃度分佈分別為40∼220 ng/m3 及10∼120 ng/m3,平均濃
度值為61.5 ng/m3 及35.5ng/m3。2.總BaPeq 之濃度分佈,以高雄市
(0.30∼0.50 ng/m3) 及嘉義市(0.15 ∼0.45 ng/m3)明顯較高,台南市最小
(0.10∼0.22 ng/m3)。3.研究發現都會區網格之總PAHs 排放量與模擬之大
氣總PAHs 濃度值,具有相關性,總PAHs 及總BaPeq 等濃度曲線分佈趨
分佈,為市郊濃度值的3∼20 倍,顯示都會區受機動車輛排放PAHs 之污
染影響相當大。4.模擬1999∼2003 年期間,都會區大氣PAHs 逐年之濃度
分佈,模擬之結果並無明顯差異,顯示都會區線源排放之PAHs ,較不
易受都市氣象條件而影響其擴散之模式。 The mobile sources PAH emission factors were used to connect with
Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS5.0) which was established by Taiwan
EPA in 2000 and to calculate the annual PAH emission in Taiwan by this
investigation. However, more than 2 mathematic models, grid model and
Industrial Sources Complex model (ISC), were also used in this study to
calculate and simulate the spatial contribution of mobile source PAH emission
in urban areas where is highest pollution loading in Taiwan. Grid model was
used to set as 1 km2 by UTM coordinate to get the 21 individual PAHs and their
BaPeq emission. Under two simulating dispersion conditions and real
meteorological data from 1999 to 2003, ISC model was used to get total average
PAH and BaPeq concentrations in ambient air of southern cities, Chia-Yi, Tainan
and Kaohsiung in Taiwan. Furthermore, due to the risk on health and the
understanding of spatial contribution, the total PAH and BaPeq concentration
was drawn as gradient close curve in various concentrations. The important
emission results in this study are as following. 1. Annual PAH and BaPeq
emission amount are about 183 tons and 443 kg, respectively. Gasoline vehicles
and 2-stroke motorcycles contribute 90.6 and 42.2 tons PAH, however, diesel
engine vehicles has highest annual BaPeq emission fraction (53.7%) among all
vehicles in Taiwan. 2. Kaohsiung city has highest total PAH and BaPeq loading
than other 21 counties and cities for 105 and 0.209 kg/yr/km2, respectively. For unit area loading, urban areas are higher than rural areas.
The spatial PAH contribution for three target urban in southern Taiwan,
Kaohsiung city has highest mean concentration, 130 ng/m3, Chia-Yi and Tainan
are 61.5 and 35.5 ng/m3. For total BaPeq concentration in ambient air,
Kaohsiung (0.30~0.50 ng.m3) and Chia-Yi (0.15~0.45 ng/m3) are higher than
Tainan city (0.10~0.22 ng/m3). However, the mobile sources, especially,
gasoline powered vehicles take the major contribution. During 1999 to 2003, the
simulating PAH spatial concentration are quite same result and it seems to
independent to urban meteorological conditions. |