摘要: | 有機發光二極體 (Organic Light Emitting Diodes,OLED)是一種使用有機材料的自發光型元件。相對於無機發光二極體(LED)須嚴格長晶要求,有機發光二極體可輕易在大面積的基板上製作,形成非晶質(amorphous)薄膜。另外,有機發光二極體也異於液晶顯示技術,不需要背光板(backlight),因此製程相對簡化。本研究方法以OLED廠各部門為研究對象,進行訪談、安全衛生危害鑑別及整合性風險評估,研究步驟分四個步驟: (1)進行各部門進行訪談、機械器材拍照鑑定初步危害 (2)進行危害鑑別,確認危害所在 (3)判定風險積分與風險等級(4)依危害等級,給予適當建議及改善措施。問卷部份以OLED廠模組檢驗區內本勞作業員工為研究對象。 研究分二個步驟: (1)發放NMQ問卷調查,瞭解作業人員肌肉骨骼傷害部位 (2)統計所有危害部位,探討其相關性。 Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) is a thin-film light-emitting diode where the emissive layer is an organic compound. OLED is composed of anode, emissive layer, and cathode. After applying an external field, electron injects from the cathode, and hole injects from anode. Electron and hole combine in the emissive layer resulting in electroluminance (EL). One of the many benefits of an OLED display over the traditional LCD displays is that OLEDs do not require a backlight to function. This means that they draw less power and, when powered from a battery, can operate longer on the same charge. This study try to investigate the situation about safety and health problem they face and find out the potential hazards they will meet. |