本計畫主要目的為更新家禽糞尿管理中甲烷與氧化亞氮之排放係數。112年計畫主要以更新白色肉雞禽糞尿管理中甲烷與氧化亞氮之排放係數為主要工作。計畫擬選定業界常用的堆肥化方式,並於不同發酵期間測定甲烷與氧化亞氮之排放量,並進一步計算堆肥過程中甲烷與氧化亞氮之排放量。本年度預定完成5場家禽堆肥場,並利用堆肥化後甲烷與氧化亞氮之排放量,進一步計算甲烷與氧化亞氮之排放係數。 The purpose of this study is to update emission factor for poultry manure management. Renew the methane and nitrous oxide emission factor in the broiler farm are major works in 2023. The methane and nitrous oxide emission produced were collected from sampling chamber in the different phase in conventional composts in different zone in Taiwan. The aim of this year, the five poultry compost farms are to be determined. And use the methane and nitrous oxide emissions after composting to estimate manure management emission factor.