摘要: | 細部計畫1:畜牧業溫室氣體排放清冊及趨勢探討 持續瞭解本國畜牧部門溫室氣體排放量變化。本計劃主要工作除了持續更新我國畜牧部門溫室氣體排放資料庫外(1900年至2022年),亦召開兩次專家會議,共同檢討排放方法、係數與活動數據,評估我國畜牧部門採用排放方法之特色。並配合提出環保署國家溫室氣體排放清冊審議相關會議。 細部計畫2:建立雞糞處理模式與代處理機制 本計畫主要建立一套雞糞處理模式與代處理機制,有效解決國內蛋雞與肉雞之雞糞去化問題,提供主管機關處理雞糞問題上,有具體實際之施政參考依據。預期可以完成的效益包括1.彙整養雞場雞糞處理現況資料,建立養雞場雞糞處理模式,有效媒合養雞場、清運業者與代處理堆肥場間的連結運作機制,達到激憤從養雞場至終端去化有效處理模式。2.建置養雞場內雞糞簡易發酵與乾燥處理技術,提供養雞業者、清運業者、代處理堆肥場業者與雞糞處理設備製造業者,多面相多元技術的溝通渠道。3.建置養雞場、清運業者與代處理堆肥場間的雞糞去化處理資訊溝通機制、實際完成雞糞去化連結示範場域建置,及辦理雞糞處理模式觀摩會或研習會,讓整體養雞產業之雞糞處理技術與效益提升。 細部計畫3:禽畜糞堆肥場空氣污染防治現況調查及功能評估 台灣地區現有禽畜糞堆肥場空氣污染防治方法包括:(1)抽排氣稀酸水洗法,(2)抽排氣次氯酸噴霧除臭法,(3)抽排氣木屑脫臭法,(4)堆肥中加入除臭微生物(如木黴菌及乳酸菌),(5)周界次氯酸噴霧除臭法。因堆肥廠房內需大量抽氣使局部密閉之空間成負壓狀態,目前僅有第(1)、(2)法可有效處理該大風量氣體,避免鄰近民眾之陳請,然其處理前污染物濃度(主要為氨及異味)、廠房空間之抽風換氣量、排氣與除臭劑之接觸時間、除臭後排氣污染物濃度等均無定量數據,使本二方法之推廣僅依據過去案例,而無科學數據依據。 本計畫預定完成台灣地區四座禽畜糞堆肥場之環境調查及檢測工作,求取下列數據:(1)氨排放係數;(2)堆肥廠內氨及異味與換氣率之關係;(3)排氣酸洗除氨除塵法之操作參數與除臭除塵效果之關係;(4)排氣噴霧除臭法之操作參數與除臭效果之關係。 提供經濟有效之堆肥場空氣污染防制技術及實務設計方法。
細部計畫4:建立家禽場域堆肥品質即時檢測指標 家禽場飼養逐漸規模化,其排泄物如無適當處理即排放或施用於田間,會繼續發酵使土壤溫度升高,造成土壤缺氧,產生有害物質及氣體,對作物及環境有不良影響,恐對環境造成衝擊;家禽糞中含有氮、磷、鉀及其他有機質,但水分含量高,一般會與其他調整材混合進行堆肥,如處理得宜則有利於資源循環再利用。我國禽畜糞肥料(5-08/09)品項之品質標準,檢測項目除了外觀顏色、形狀、氣味、pH值外,還需檢驗有機質、三要素及八項重金屬,檢測作業需十餘種儀器設備及專業技術人員,適合工業化品管程序,對一般家禽場在評估堆肥品質而言,不一定有能力檢測,故計畫目標為建立易於操作之堆肥即時檢測方式,針對堆肥品質條件之中氣味分子(硫化氫、氨)、酸鹼值、電導度及種子發芽率(腐熟度),設計對應後續田間施用之即時檢測指標,協助快速評估堆肥品質,降低使用風險。 1:Discussion on livestock industry GHG emissions inventory and statistics of trends for domestic This study will continuously update the greenhouse gas emissions inventory (GHG) for our livestock, review our past studies on local emission factors and activity data, collect the foreign GHG, assess their ratios relatively to total GHG, and analyze possible mitigation technology and projects. Those works are to evaluate our past, present and future GHGs and trends on livestock in order to provide the references. 2:Establish manure processing models and proxy processing mechanisms for chicken This project mainly establishes a set of chicken manure treatment modes and substitute treatment mechanisms, effectively solves the problem of chicken manure removal of domestic laying hens and broilers, and provides the competent authorities with a specific and practical policy reference basis for dealing with chicken manure. The benefits that are expected to be completed include 1. Consolidate the current situation data of chicken manure treatment in chicken farms, establish a chicken manure treatment mode for chicken farms, and effectively match the linkage operation mechanism between chicken farms, cleaning operators, and compost farms, so as to achieve an effective treatment mode from chicken farms to terminals. 2. Build simple fermentation and drying technology for chicken manure in chicken farms, and provide communication channels for chicken farmers, cleaning and transportation operators, compost farm operators, and chicken manure treatment equipment, manufacturers. 3. Establish a chicken manure removal information communication mechanism between chicken farms, cleaning, and transportation operators, and compost farms, actually complete the construction of chicken manure removal link demonstration sites and handle chicken manure treatment mode observation meetings or workshops, so as to improve the chicken manure treatment technology and efficiency of the overall chicken industry. 3:Investigation of air-pollution control status and performance assessment on livestock manure composite plants Air pollution control strategies used currently in Taiwan area for livestock manure compositing plants are: (1) scrubbing the waste gas by acidic water to remove ammonia in the gas; (2) spraying the waste gas with aqueous hypochlorous acid solution to oxidize malodorant compounds in the gas; (3) adsorption of malodorous compounds in the waste gas by beds packed with sawdust material; (4) blending the compositing ingredients (mainly, livestock manure and sawdust) with Trichoderma and lactic acid bacteria to help in decomposing malodorants in the compositing materials. The former 2 methods have been tested to be effective for reducing odors in the volumetric gas vented from compositing plants. However, factors, such as scrubbing water pH, effective chlorine contents in the spraying hypochlorous acid solution, and the gas-solution contact time, affecting the odor-reduction performances are not yet well known.In the proposal, performances of the existing scrubbers and spraying chambers in four livestock manure compositing plants will be investigated to get some data which help in getting effective removal of malodorants in the vented gases form the plants. 4:Establish real-time detection indicators for compost quality in poultry farms Commercial poultry farms are gradually scaled, and if the excreta are discharged or applied to the field without proper treatment, it will continue to ferment and raise the temperature, causing hypoxia in soil, producing harmful substances and gases, which has adverse effects on crops and the environment. Poultry manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other organic matters, but the moisture content is high, so it is generally mixed with other adjustment materials for composting, which is conducive to resource recycling if properly treated. At present, the quality standards of Taiwan livestock manure fertilizer (5-08/09), in addition to the appearance of color, shape, odor, and pH value, also need to detect organic matter, three elements and eight heavy metals, the detection need more than ten kinds of instruments and equipment and professional technician, which is suitable for industrial quality control procedures, for the general poultry farms, they may not have the ability to detect, so the purpose of the study is to establish an easy and instant detection method for compost, including odors, pH value, conductivity and seed germination rate. Using these real-time detection indicators to evaluate the quality of compost and reduce the risk of use. |