台灣鋏蠓(Forcipomyia taiwana)是台灣地區重要的環境衛生害蟲,迄今仍持續研發有效非傳統化學防治的方法。本團隊已建立大量飼養的方法,取得足夠數量的成蟲,進行台灣鋏蠓成蟲誘引及忌避防治技術研究。先於實驗室進行台灣鋏蠓雌成蟲誘集試驗,再進行田間誘集防治試驗,並建立忌避劑對台灣鋏蠓忌避效果檢測平台,開發台灣鋏蠓成蟲誘引及忌避防治技術。這個技術應用於專一性的防治對象,降低對人類健康的風險,對環境是友善的,並可做為台灣鋏蠓綜合防治技術的防治策略。 Biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana is one of the most nuisance blood-sucking insect in Taiwan. The study of sustainable exploitation and utilization of non-synthetic chemical managements on the biting midge is still valued. The technique for the mass rearing of Forcipomyia taiwana in the laboratory was established. The attractant and repellent control strategy surveillances of Forcipomyia taiwana were sustainable conducted. The attractant semiochemicals were evaluated against Forcipomyia taiwana in the field trial in subsequent effective laboratory test. This study makes an attempt to demonstrate the potential of semiochemicals as useful tools for controlling insects and could be used to lure the Forcipomyia taiwana to traps in the field. The repellents protected people from biting midge blooding. The efficacy of DEET, PMD, picaridin, IR3535 and natural essential oils were investigated. These new, targeted, approaches are highly specific for the insect, and are therefore more cost effective. By reducing the amount of insecticide used, there is also less risk of damage to human health and the wider environment.