對醫院而言,行動醫療APP是一項重要的創新資訊應用,也是現有醫院資訊服務的延伸,其主要可讓病患(民眾)利用隨身智慧型裝置與無線服務,即時且快速的存取與自身相關健康照護資訊與服務。國內雖然已有部份醫院陸續建置行動醫療APP供病患使用,然而現有有關其應用成效及相關影響因素的相關研究仍不足。因此本研究主要目的在於透過現有應用於探討系統持續使用意願的期望確認模式作為本研究之理論基礎,同時考量行動醫療APP所提供之系統特性及使用者特性,以瞭解影響病患(民眾)持續使用行動醫療APP之關鍵因素,並探討相關因素對於病患(民眾)持續使用此系統的影響過程與效果。本研究採問卷調查法針對目前已使用醫院所提供之行動醫療APP的使用者進行資?蒐集,所蒐集資?再以最小平方法(PLS)之結構方程模型統計工具進行分析。藉由本研究的進行將能發展出一個適用於評估病患(民眾)持續使用行動醫療APP的重要衡量工具,透過此工具將能讓醫療機構更深入瞭解病患(民眾)對於行動醫療APP持續使用意願的形成過程。醫療機構與衛生主管機關將可針對本研究所發現之影響病患(民眾)持續使用行動醫療APP的關鍵因素,採取適當的策略與措施,以加速國內行動健康相關應用之發展與推廣。 For hospitals, mobile health applications (APPs) are critical innovationIT applications and they can be regarded as the extension of existinghealthcare services. Patients can obtain required healthcare informationin a timely manner through the use of mobile intelligent devices (smartphones or notepads) and wireless services. Although some hospitals haveimplemented mobile health APPs for patients; however, only a few studiesare conducted to evaluate the performance and to find critical factorsin the post-adoption stage. This study proposed an integrated modelderived from expectation confirmation model and system and usercharacteristics of mobile health APPs to investigate critical factorinfluencing patients' continuance intention toward using mobile healthAPPs and to understand the effect and process of those identifiedfactors on continuance intention. The survey methodology will be used tocollect responses from experienced users of mobile health APPs throughquestionnaires. The collected data will be further analyzed by partialleast square statistical analysis technique. Therefore, it is expectedto develop a suitable measurement instrument for evaluating mobilehealth APPs and the instrument can be used to understand the criticalfactors and the process influencing patients' continuance intentiontoward using mobile health APPs. Thus, Taiwan government and healthcareindustry could make appropriate strategies and incentives for improvingthe widespread use of mobile health in Taiwan.