本研究的目的是調查參與食品安全課程桌遊的使用,以提高南部某大學學生的相關知識、態度和行為。本研究採用立意取樣的實驗設計,實驗組38人,對照組21人。實驗組接受傳統教學和桌遊活動,而對照組僅使用傳統教學。實驗組玩一次桌遊並執行五十分鐘。兩組學生在參與食品安全課程一個月的桌遊前後填寫了「食品安全知識,態度和行為」問卷。進行描述性統計分析,獨立樣本t檢定,卡方檢驗,Pearson相關和ANOVA以分析數據。結果證明,參與食品安全課程桌遊的使用可以顯著提高問卷中相關知識、態度和行為的得分和進步人數。此外,兩組的食品安全態度與行為後測程度呈正相關,表明對食品安全的態度越積極,相關行為越強。根據這項研究的結果顯示,桌遊活動不僅可以增強知識、態度和行為,而且從事教育工作者也可以利用教學作為參與有關食品安全的桌遊活動教學和做後續研究。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of board game involved in food safety course to enhance the related knowledge, attitude and behavior of the university students from southern school. This research adopted from intentional sampling and the quasi-experimental design with the experiment group of 38 people and control group of 21 people. The experiment group was instructed with both traditional teaching and board game activities, while the control group was only using traditional teaching. The experimental group took one time of board game and executed fifty minutes. The two groups of students were filled in the questionnaires about "Food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior" before and after the use of board game involved in food safety course for one month. A descriptive statistical analysis, independent samples t test, Chi-square test, Pearson correlation, and ANOVA were conducted to analyze the data. The results indicated that the use of board game involved in food safety course could increase the scores and progressive number of people on the questionnaires in related knowledge, attitude and behavior, significantly. Besides, the food safety attitude in the all groups were positively related to the degree post-test of behaviors, indicating that the more positive attitudes towards food safety, the stronger the related behavior. According to the findings of this study, board game activities would not only achieve the enhancement of knowledge, attitude and behavior, but also educators could use the teaching as a reference to the board game activities about food safety for teaching activities and follow-up studies.