本研究旨在瞭解本校綠生活教育館內再生能源產電量與其他設備之耗電狀況並加以分析比較。本研究先瞭解綠館的整體運作,並對館內再生能源發電和綠館其他用電設備的耗電狀況收集數據。從綠館完工(2018/3)到2019年6月份,綠館總發電量發了2568.3度電,則綠館耗電總電量為5533.1度,發電與耗電比約為1/2。一般而言,再生能源發電以太陽能為主,其他包括水力與風力發電量總和皆不到總發電量的1%。兩種不同太陽能面板的產電效率亦不同,其中以HISG 優於 CIGS約20~35%。就耗電量而言,主要的耗電來自於其他無電表記錄的耗電設備,並非風扇及幫浦(僅佔總耗電量的不到0.5%),因為此兩設備並非長期一直在運轉,而是間歇性的。另比較2018年和2019年3月到6月數據顯示因為氣候與其他環境條件之不同,同月份的發電與耗電狀況有明顯差異。 In this study, we compared the electricity generated by renewable energy and the power consumed in a smart greenhouse on the campus of Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science. With the occupied area about 120m2, the facility mainly includes a treated sewage polishing system to recycle the wastewater for irrigation, and a vegetation system comprised of hypotonic and soil cultivation for different vegetation. An IoT (Internet of Things) based smart system for both online monitoring and control includes water quality, irrigation, indoor and outdoor environment, and power production and consumption. The energy budget analysis between both city electrical grid and solar panel units (HISG and CIGS) showed that the total electricity consumption in the facility was around two folds higher than production, which were 4,742.6 vs. 2,568.3 kWh from March, 2018 to June, 2019. The monthly electricity consumption in the facility ranged from 66.35~242.18 kWh with the highest in May, 2018. In general, electricity generated from solar panels increased in the hotter months from 32.07 kWh in Feb, 2019 to 242.18 kWh in May, 2018. Further analysis of the data also indicated that HISG was more efficient than CIGS with 20~35% differences in efficiency.