台灣產業加上進口有大量的廢五金在國內進行拆解,廢五金本身具有一定的基本金屬價值,可重覆循環再次投入冶煉,再次創造循環經濟價值。但收購的廠商必須付出一定的成本購買,且加上拆解處理之人事成本等,是否具有經濟價值,這就是本研究所欲探討之背景。本研究針對各種鋁廢棄物之成分及鋁回收價值,作分析與探討。各種含鋁廢料中,車用散熱片含鋁量最高,99.35%;鋁窗廢料的回收效益最高,淨利為5655元/天*人。 Taiwan's industry generates a large amount of waste hardware. Moreover imports a large number of waste hardware in the domestic dismantling. Waste hardware itself has a certain metal value, can be re-entered into smelting in a repeat cycle. Once again to create circular economy value. However, the acquisition of the manufacturer must pay a certain cost to buy, and coupled with the dismantling of personnel costs. This thesis presents the economic value of those waste hardware which contain aluminum. This study analyzes and discusses the composition of various aluminum wastes and the value of aluminum recovery. Among all kinds of aluminum-containing waste, the automotive heat sink contained the highest aluminum content, 99.35%. Waste aluminum window recovery efficiency is the highest, net profit of 5655 NT/ day per operator.