摘要: | 動機及目的:
有參與社會活動的社區居民佔33.6%。 UCLA孤寂平均得分數為35.46分,台灣人憂鬱量表平均得分為9.34分,PSQI睡眠品質平均分數為6.26分。影響孤寂感之個人變項為教育程度、工作狀況、運動習慣、BMI及年齡;影響憂鬱之個人變項為社會參與、教育程度、自覺健康狀況及年齡;影響整體睡眠品質之個人變項為性別。有參與社會活動的民眾其憂鬱程度顯著較低,但孤寂感以及睡眠品質則無顯著差異。透過二元邏輯斯迴歸檢測憂鬱之預測因子有孤寂感分數、睡眠品質分數及咖啡因攝取頻率,當孤寂感分數及睡眠品質分數增加時,發生憂鬱的風險會增加;當咖啡因攝取頻率增加時,發生憂鬱的風險會降低。
建議民眾增加運動頻率,適度攝取咖啡因,多參與社會活動,並提升睡眠品質,就能有效遠離憂鬱。 Purpose: Taiwan had entered the Aged Society in 2018. It is estimated that the elderly population will exceed 20% in 2026 and enter the Super-aged Society. At home and abroad, most of research on loneliness, depression or sleep in one-way study. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of loneliness, depression and sleep quality in middle-aged and elderly people.
Method: Volunteer samples of 91 women and 55 men (average age 53.3±15.5) were recruited and investigated by cross sectional quetionare survey. The research tools included basic information, UCLA Loneliness Scale, Taiwanese Depression Scale (John Tung Foundation), and PSQI. Samples were collected from May to June, 2019. 157 eligible subjects attended the study, a total of 146 valid samples were collected, and the effective recovery rate was 94.9%.
Result: Community-dwelling adults who participated social activities were 33.6%. The average scores of UCLA, Taiwanese depression scale and PSQI were 35.46, 9.34, and 6.26 respectively. The individual variables that affect loneliness were education level, work status, exercise habits, BMI and age; individual variables affecting depression were social participation, education level, health conscious and age; personal variables affecting sleep quality are gender. People participating social activities had significant lower depression level, but not affected their loneliness and sleep quality. Logistic regression showed that predictive factors for depression were loneliness, sleep quality, and caffeine intake frequency. Loneliness and sleep quality were positively proportional to depression, however, as caffeine intake frequency increased, the risk of depression will decrease.
Conclusion & Suggestion: It was concluded that when middle-aged and elderly people participated in social activities, increased caffeine intake frequency, reduced their loneliness and elevated the sleep quality, their depression level significantly decreased. And exercise also effectively diminished loneliness. We suggested people to increase the frequency of exercise and social activities, properly intake caffeinated beverages, and pay more attention to sleep quality, thus, they could avoided falling into a state of melancholy. |