國內因電器設備引發火災之次數居高不下,而引發電氣火災的原因除了電線短路、過載、電氣火花、接觸不良及電氣絕緣破壞之外,有些火災發生是因為積污導電發生電弧故障所引起,在國外已經普遍使用電弧故障斷路器(Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters;AFCI)來保護電源插座避免火災發生,因為電弧故障斷路器具有偵測電弧作用並即時跳脫斷電的功能。本研究以模擬各種積污導電的情況,實驗電弧故障斷路器控制積污導電之效果,在實驗過程中利用溫度記錄儀器觀察其溫度的曲線變化並記錄分析,並記錄發生積污導電過程之電流。在短時間內利用鹽酸水之組合物積污導電效果較高,插座(頭)因持續高溫蓄熱而產生火花,容易引發火災之風險,若將電弧故障斷路器裝設在電路上,可避免積污導電引發火災的情形,研究成果可可提供有關單位,研擬電弧故障斷路器應用於控制積污導電之參考。 The number of domestic fires causes that caused by electrical accidents are remaining obstinately high in Taiwan. Excepting electrical short-circuit, overload, sparks, bad connection and frayed cord, some are caused by Arc-fault. Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) have been commonly used abroad to protect power outlets from fire. Because Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) has the function of detecting arcing and automatic power off. In this study, the conductivity produced by various contamination were simulated, and recording the effects produced by the Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) . From observing the temperature curve produced by the temperature recorder, we found that the conductivity produced by the hydrochloric acid was the highest and the socket or outlet generates sparks due to the continuous high temperature. If the AFCI is installed on the circuit, it can prevent the fire due totracking. In the future, this study might be a reference for house and factories.