台灣鋏蠓(Forcipomyia taiwana)是台灣地區重要的環境衛生害蟲,迄今仍持續研發有效非傳統化學防治的方法。本研究開發台灣鋏蠓嗅覺誘引測試平台,以雙向嗅覺誘引裝置進行定量檢測化學物質對台灣鋏蠓的誘引效果,以9~12天、已完成交尾的雌成蟲進行測試,試驗結果顯示以碳酸氫銨 (10%)、芥酸(10 ppb) 及乳酸鈉和碳酸氫氨混合物 (13%、5%) 進行測試,約可以達到以人體誘引效果的 61~68%。本研究採用的台灣鋏蠓雙向嗅覺誘引裝置,可敏感且簡便進行新化學誘引物質的篩選、藉由本研究結果,期能開發大量誘殺台灣鋏蠓雌成蟲的技術為台灣鋏蠓的防治策略,以減少雌蟲擾人吸血的困擾。 Biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki) is one of the most nuisance blood-sucking insect in Taiwana. The non-chemical control strategy surveillances were sustainable conducted. To assess the attractant efficacy of chemical stimulants, a dual-port olfactometer to quantitatively investigate the response of biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to host-derived volatiles was developed. The 9-12 day old, copulated female biting midges were tested to human odors and the chemicals basis for this phenomenon. Our findings indicate the F. taiwana relies on the ammonium bicarbonate solution (10%), erucic acid solution (10 ppb) and combining sodium lactate solution (13%) and ammonium bicarbonate solution (5%). The presented bioassay is the especially suited to the biting midge, the sensitivity, and the simplicity of the testing procedure, it is a potent tool in the search for new attractive components. It is hoped this work will facilitate further research in chemical ecology of F. taiwana. The potential use of the attractants for biting midge control is discussed.