研究背景:近年來台灣不同的城市大力推廣公共自行車系統,除有助環保外,亦能達到增加民眾的身體活動量的機會。過去利用對於台灣公共自行車系統的研究較缺乏,加上霾害的情形日趨嚴重,當務之急是了解目前空氣品質和使用者使用公共自行車系統之關聯。由於個人的自行車使用行為受到周遭環境之影響,若能找出環境設計和個人社會心理因素對於公共自行車系統的使用率的關聯性,可供未來推廣公共自行車的政策制訂時的參考。 研究目的:基於社會生態(social ecological model),本研究利用電訪問卷來了解自覺性的建成環境評估、社會心理因素、和對自覺性的空氣品質評估對於公共自行車使用情形的作用;同時也深入了解使用者對於公共自行車系統的使用經驗。 材料與方法:由電腦輔助電話系統執行電話問卷之訪問;我們將在有公共自行車設施的城市各招攬民眾參加電訪之問卷蒐集。問卷內容包含自覺性的建成環境評估、社會心理因素、和對自覺性的空氣品質評估。 預期成效: 本研究結果將可提供後續擬定推廣公共自行車系統的策略時新的考量方向,包含站在使用者的立場,如何紓解使用者對空氣品資訊的疑慮,配合建成環境的資訊來鼓勵使用者選擇適當的時間點來善用公共自行車系統資源,進而達到民眾健康生型活型態的養成。 Background: As bikeshare programs have gained popularity in Taiwan, one major concern in developing relevant policies is the need for a better understanding of usage of bikeshare, which are complex behaviors, and their multiple determinants. Bikeshare usage behavior is likely to be influenced by neighborhood-related built environment characteristics. To our knowledge, there are very few studies assess the effects of built environment on bikeshare systems in Taiwan. Objectives: Based on socio ecological mode, the overall goal of this study is to investigate the associations between built environment characteristics and psychosocial factors on bikeshare usage in Taiwan. Methods: In the first stage, we recruited individuals (older than 20 years old) from 4 cities to participate the phone-based survey. Expected research contributions: Our study results could provide a better understanding of the factors affecting usage of bike-sharing could provide solutions. Such knowledge will be useful for future planning, engineering, and public advocacy were discussed to increase the usage of bikeshare system and make this a sustainable mode of transport for better health in Taiwan. Our study findings could provide insights into how to take into account for the influence of air quality into future programs to promote bike-sharing usage.