隨著醫療技術進步,使得世界人口壽命不斷延長,我國亦將邁入高齡化社會,銀髮族的健康照護已成為政府政策及產業界熱門的發展方向,銀髮族在心智退化上的照護需求與負擔都大幅增加。因此,探討如何維持銀髮族心智健康的方法,進一步開發出減緩心智退化的工具,實為一值得關注的議題。另一方面,由於我國行動資訊科技產業的興盛,行動應用程式人才的培育始終為政府的施政重點之一,也是產業技術傳承的重要一環。因此,若能透過銀髮族心智健康照護與行動應用程式的結合,不僅能增進國家經濟發展,亦可提昇照護銀髮族之健康,對社會做出貢獻。有鑑於此,透過行動應用程式的實作與分析,探討其對銀髮族心智健康照護發展之影響,即有其重要性。故本計畫的目標將以銀髮族的心智健康照護為出發點,結合行動資訊科技的優勢,並以用於治療失智症的懷舊療法及現有電子書技術,建置用於銀髮族心智健康的行動應用程式,並評估其效用。本計劃共分為兩年,第一年開發出適用於懷舊療法的行動應用程式之通用模板,以作為後續實驗研究之平台;第二年依此模板,分別為實驗對象的銀髮族客製化,製作出專屬的懷舊療法應用程式,並藉由問卷調查評估該應用程式之效用。期望能使行動應用程式在銀髮族心智健康照護上的應用更為深入,也藉以培育出具備創新思考能力、解決問題能力,以及整合實作能力的資訊及健康照護之人才。 With the advancement of medical technology, the average age of people in the world has been continuously extended. In the same trend, Taiwan will also become an aging society in the near future. The healthy care of the elders has been one of major government policies and a hot topic for industries development. Especially, the needs and burdens of the elder care substantially increased on mental deterioration. Therefore, methodology exploration and tool development to maintain and enhance the mental health of the elders from mental deterioration is worth to pay attention. On the other hand, due to the strength of mobile information technology industry in our country, the cultivation of mobile application talents is one of the government's priorities. It is also an important part of industrial technology. Therefore, the combination of health care and mobile applications can promote the economic development of the country as well as enhance the contribution of the elders to health care for our society.Based on this view, it is important to explore the impact of mobile applications on elders’ health care through the implementation and analysis of mobile applications development. Starting from elders’ health care, the goal of this project is to leverage the advantages of mobile information technology, and combine the concept of nostalgia therapy and the existing e-book technologies to build up a mobile application for the mental health of the elders. Its effectiveness will be also evaluated. The project will be separated into two years. In the first year, we will develop a universal template model of mobile applications for nostalgia. Based on this model, customized nostalgia applications will be developed and the utilization will be evaluated in the second year. We expect to develop mobile apps more relevant for health care to nurture information professionals with creative thinking, problem solving, and integration skills.