近年國際間越來越多研究主張,在醫療過程中共享決策(Shared Decision Making, SDM)為進行醫療決策的理想模式,即是讓醫療人員和病人在進行醫療決策前,能分享現有的實證結果,提供病人所有可考量的選擇,並支持病人做出符合其偏好的醫療決策。納入實證醫學資料和病人價值觀、偏好所建立的治療方案共識,不僅提升病人健康識能、降低病人不知情的感受,更提供醫病雙方進行開放性溝通討論模式,達成醫療決策共識並支持病人做出符合其偏好的醫療決策。本研究參考SDM相關文獻,加入病人個人維護之健康紀錄與醫院資訊系統資料,發展一個行動醫病共享決策整合平台,提供醫病之間之溝交流,並完成最適當的醫療照護之決策。期許本平台能進一步提升醫療照護品質與效率,達到以病人為中心的理想照護。 Recently, more and more worldwide studies have advocated that shared decision making (SDM) during patient-care processes is an ideal model especially for medical decision-making. That is, to allow healthcare professionals sharing patients with existing empirical clinical evidences before making final treatment decisions. With SDM, patients are clearly informed with all available medical options, and they can thus make medical decisions in line with their own will. By integrating evidence-based medicine and patients’ values and preferences, treatment programs with consensus are finalized by healthcare professionals and patients jointly. SDM can therefore improve patients’ health literacy, reduce patients’ uncertainty, and also provide an open discussion forum for healthcare professionals and patients. This research explores how to build such a mobile shared medical decision-making platform by integrating references of SDM research, personal health records (PHR) and hospital information systems(HIS). Thus, we expect the application of this medical decision-making platform with an aim to better patient-physician communication and decision making, improve healthcare quality/efficiency and to achieve patient-centered healthcare service.