台灣鋏蠓(Forcipomyia taiwana)是台灣地區重要的環境衛生害蟲,迄今仍持續研發有效非傳統化學防治的方法。本研究已完成台灣鋏蠓大量飼養及繁殖技術,於夯實的土壤滴加混合濃縮的綠藻液。以新鮮豬血飼小黑蚊雌成蟲的平均吸血率為69.9%,以人工血液餵飼小黑蚊雌成蟲的平均吸血率為72.7%,以人血餵飼小黑蚊雌成蟲平均吸血率為67%,三者間不具顯著差異。吸食人血台灣鋏蠓的平均產卵數、孵化幼蟲數、化蛹數及羽化成蟲數分別為40.9, 36.3, 35.0及 33.0,吸食人工血液台灣鋏蠓的平均產卵數、孵化幼蟲數、化蛹數及羽化成蟲數分別為42.9, 32.6, 32.0 及31.5。台灣鋏蠓的交尾高峰在開燈後2小時,中午過後僅零星台灣鋏蠓進行交尾。分別以雌蟲/雄蟲比例為100/20、100/100及20/100進行交尾行為觀察,三種不同組合雌蟲的平均交尾率分別為54.0%、56.4%及52.0%,三種不同組合雄蟲的平均交尾率分別為270.0%、56.4%及10.4%。本觀察發現雄性小黑蚊會有重覆的交尾行為,光線會明顯影響小黑蚊的交尾行為。以GC-MS(氣相色譜質譜)分析和定量台灣鋏蠓釋放的有機揮發性和半揮發性化合物,雌、雄成蟲以正己烷萃取的化合物有三個具差異的peak,以甲醇萃取的化合物不具差異性。需進步確認其生物活性。 Successful colonies of the biting midge Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki) were established and maintained in a laboratory by feeding blood meal with an artificial blood-feeding apparatus, rearing larvae on a soil substrate employing algae liquid and setting suitable mating cages. The feeding rates of F. taiwana fed on pig blood (69.9%) and artificial blood (72.7%) were not significantly different from those fed on human blood (67.0%). The mean numbers of adults produced by females fed on the artificial blood and the human blood were 31.5 and 33.0, respectively. The algae liquid (Chlorella vulgaris) was fit for rearing the larvae; the larva hatching rate, pupation rate and emergence rate of midges fed with artificial blood and human blood meal cohorts were 76.0%-88.8%, 98.2%-96.4% and 98.0-94.3%, respectively. Swarming and copulation occurred 1 hr before and 2 hr after the lights were turned on (0700-1000). The average female mating rates were approximately 54 %, and males were observed to mate with multiple females. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) qualitative and quantitative analysis has resulted the female and male n-hexane extracts were different in three peaks. The study to demonstrate the potential of sex pheromones as useful tools for controlling insects need to carry out bioactivity assay.