重油乳化機已應用在實廠,尤其是在指加水而不加任何界面活性劑,所產生的乳化油依然可以提升燃燒效率,理想條件下約可提升該廠7-10%的燃燒效率。然而,重油品質不穩、含水率變化量極大、重油燃燒前的預加溫及輸送等種種現場狀況,無法讓只摻水的乳化油在進入燃燒室前維持穩定,所以,效率大打折扣。除此之外,乳化劑的配方及用量與乳化機之設計息息相關,錯誤的組合無法增進燃燒效率。本計畫研究之目的在於添加不同添加劑配方於重油中,並利用重油乳化均質機進行均質,使重油與添加劑能夠充分均勻乳化,使鍋爐能達到有效率的燃燒與降低空氣中污染物的排放。並深入探討鍋爐在燃燒時的燃燒效率及空氣污染物的排放量。本計畫擬先在實驗室調配方,用正紡興業有限公司所生產的乳化機製作乳化油,以便觀察乳化現象,待確認配方後,即直接到現場用鍋爐測試,重點在於加入不同比例之乳化劑及添加劑於油品中,使鍋爐達到有效率的燃燒與降低空氣中污染物的排放,並深入探討鍋爐在添加不同比例之添加劑燃燒前後的油品油耗量、水量以及空氣污染物的排放量。 Heavy oil emulsification machine has been used in the factory, especially without any surfactant. It still can enhance 7-10% of the combustion efficiency in the factory. However, unstable quality of the heavy oil, moisture content, pre-heating and transportation of the heavy oil made the emulsified oil unstable before entering the combustion chamber. The efficiency is greatly reduced because of these factors above. In addition, the formula of additives and the design of emulsification machine are the key points to improve the combustion efficiency. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to add different additives in the heavy oil and to use the of heavy oil emulsification machine for producing stable emulsified heavy oil with additives. By this way, the combustion efficiency can be enhanced and air pollutant emissions could be reduced. The first stage of this study will be explore the formula of surfactants for the emulsification of heavy oil with the machine produced by Ritex Machinery Co., Ltd. Afterwards, using the confirmed formula for the boiler test on site. The efficiencies after adding different ratios of surfactants and additives for enhancing the combustion efficiency and reducing the pollutant emissions will be discussed.