《詩經》是中國歷史上一部蘊含女性文學的重要經典,其中篇章反映了當時女性的形象、愛情與婚姻生活,通過研究這些詩篇可以了解當時禮教束縛下的女性的生命狀態。本論文分五章進行論述,第一章是緒論,說明論文的研究動機、方法及研究資料的時代和範圍。第二章《詩經》的歷史背景、詩歌由來及作品分類,最後是政治背景與婚姻制度。第三章寫結婚前女性的生命狀態,當時戀愛風氣是比較自由,但也是被制約的時代,出嫁前三個月女性都要接受婚前教習。第四章探討貴族和平民女性的婚姻狀態,並敘述夫妻死後同葬的風俗,女性生命史至此結尾。第五章結論,從《詩經》女性在家庭中的角色扮演延伸討論與其女性意識萌芽之衝突,以及為後世開展女子道德教育的先河。 SHIHJINH is the first classic of feminine literature in the history of China. These articles depicted the feminine images, love, and marriage at that time. By investigating these articles, we can better understand the life of the females then under the restriction of the social hierarchy. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which explains the motivation and the methodology of the study as well as the era and the scope concerning the research data. The historical backgrounds of SHIHJINH, the origins of the poetic lyrics and their classification will be elaborated in Chapter Two, which also deals with the political background and the marriage system. The following chapter highlights the life of the females before their marriage. Although women at that time had the freedom to fall in love, they were relatively confined by the social hierarchy when it comes to marriage. They even had to receive moral education three months before their marriage. Chapter Four discusses the marital status of the noble and the civilian females and brings an end to the discussion of the story of the feminine life by researching into the prevalent custom of burying the married couple together. The concluding chapter probes the roles women in SHIHJINH played in the family and further explores the conflicts due to the budding of feminism. SHIHJINH itself serves as the pioneer of launching the feminine moral education for the future generations.