本研究為能提供一般垃圾焚化底渣(Incineration bottom ash;IBA)一新再利用途徑,探討以熟化IBA作為潛流式(Subsurface flow;SSF)人工濕地(Constructed wetland;CW)替代性填充材之系統污染特性之影響,本研究之處理水係混合校園廢水與周邊工業區排放水兩種廢水而成,藉由實驗組(SSF-A)與礫石床對照組(SSF-C)之污染降解特性比較探討以IBA作為SSF CW填充材之可行性。由本研究之實驗結果得知,如使用一般廢棄物之焚化底渣作為人工溼地之填充介質擔體,其去除廢水中的氮與磷污染物之效能將比傳統卵石填充介質之效能更佳,由有機染物之去除效能可知道焚化底渣含有較高孔隙面積而致使SSF-A系統去除率會比SSF-C系統來的高。在含氮染物之去除效能顯示SSF-A系統能使氨氮去除效能提高,其去除效率為54.2 %,而對照組SSF-C系統40.5 %,而SSF-A系統對含磷污染物去除效能比SSF-C系統效能較好的原因為二,其一為SSF-A系統附著較多的生物膜,其中藉由微生物及?積層的吸附、以及透過微生物的代謝過程有效提升其去除率,其二為SSF-A系統以鈣離子進行與磷酸鹽形成鈣磷酸鹽結晶進而沉澱,此二方式皆能使TP去除效能提高。綜合前述可知以IBA為SSF CW系統之替代性填充材,其對原有之污染去除機制並無顯著抑制效應外,另亦增加其他之去除機制,因此,熟化之IBA可為SSF CW系統之替代性填充材,比之?石?有處?含氮及磷之廢水的潛勢,同時,亦提供IBA另一資源化再利用之途徑。 To develop a new reuse way of incineration bottom ash (IBA) of municipal solid waste, IBA was assessed to use as an alternative substrate of a subsurface flow (SSF) constructed wetland (CW) in this study. There were two system established for the experiments which included an experimental system (SSF-A) and a control system (SSF-C). The former filled with IBA and the substrate of the letter was gravel, treating the wastewater from a mixture of the campus wastewater and the effluent from an industrial area nearby. The feasibility of using IBA as an alternative substrate of SSF CW could be concluded by comparing those experimental results of these SSF CWs. According to the experimental results, a SSF CW filling with IBA, the removal efficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus contained contaminants were better than those of a traditional SSF CW filled with gravel. Due to a higher surface area of IBA, the IBA SSF CW also performed in a better situation of the removal of organic pollution. The averagedammonia-nitrogen removal rate of SSF-A was 54.2 % which was higher than that of the SSF-C, 40.5 %.
A higher removal ratio of total phosphorous (TP) was also observed in the SSF-A system which was resulted from the adsorption of the sediments and the metabolism of more microorganisms. An another mechanisms responsible for the additional removal of TP came for the precipitation of calcium ion and phosphate. These mechanisms offered the additional removal of TP. It also concluded that IBA not only induced additional removal mechanisms but offered no depression on the original removal mechanisms. It was obvious that the matured IBA was a suitable alternative substrate for the SSF CW, showing a better performance in the removal of nitrogen and phosphorous. From the results of this study, it suggested a new way of IBA reuse.