摘要: | 本研究主要目的在探討臺南市參與行政院環境保護署所推動「社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫」社區領導人的環境素養構面(環境知識、環境態度與環境行為)現況與相關行為,並針對社會人口變項在環境素養構面和環境教育人員專業領域範疇進行顯著性檢驗;此外,亦透過皮爾遜積差相關方法,分析環境素養構面之間的關連性。本研究採用結構式問券作為研究資料蒐集的主要工具,以立意抽樣的方式共發出116份問券,回收有效問卷70 份,回收率60.3 %,將所得資料以IBM SPSS Statistics 22軟體進行描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析及多元線性迴歸分析,所得之結果如下:
一、 環境知識:平均答對率為61.3%,其中以社區參與答對率最高,自然保育答對率最低;與學歷、職業、環教場所申請意願、是否曾參與環教研習或刊物4變項,有顯著差異性。
二、 環境態度:平均得分是73.5分,其中以學校及社會環境教育表現最佳,自然保育則表現最差,其中以環保知識、態度及技能來源、申請環保設施場所意願2變項,有顯著差異性。
三、 環境行為:平均得分為67.2分,其中以氣候變遷表現最佳,環境及資源管理表現最差,並與擔任角色、是否曾參與環教研習或刊物2變項,有顯著差異性。
四、 環境知識與環境行為有著中度正相關;環境態度與環境行為則有低度的正相關;然而,環境知識與環境態度則無顯著相關差異。 This study aims at evaluating the current status and correlation between environmental literacy (cognition, attitude and behavior)of the community leaders participated in EnvironmentalLearning Center Project implemented by Environmental Protection Administration in Tainan County. 116 questionnaires were passed to community leaders and 70 were collected validly. The data collected were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 22 for Descriptive Statistics. The conclusions reached were as follows:
1. Environmental cognition: The average score was 61.3 on a 100 point scale. The highest score of all is community participation and the lowest score of all is nature conservation. Among background variables, education, profession, venues application intention, and participation in environmental education were significantly different from environmental cognition.
2. Environmental attitude: The average score was 73.5 on a 100 point scale. The highest score of all is school and social environmental education and the lowest score of all is nature conservation. Among background variables, environmental cognition, attitude and skill source and venues application intention were significantly different from environmental attitude.
3. Environmental behavior: The average score was 67.2 on a 100 point scale. The highest score of all is climate change and the lowest score of all is environment and resource management. Among background variables, position and participation in environmental education were significantly different from environmental behavior.
4. A moderate and positive correlation between environmental cognition and behavior was found. A low and positive correlation between environmental attitude and behavior was also observed. Nonetheless, no correlation between environmental cognition and attitude was perceived. |