根據衛生福利部國民健康署在105年12月出版的「103年癌症登記報告」中指出,乳癌為女性癌症第一名之發生率,高達11,769位罹患乳癌,與前年人數相比,新增了441人,增加3.89%之發生率,為癌症排名個案增加最多的癌症。乳癌為十大癌症死因之第四順位,亦看出近年罹患乳癌之死亡率有逐年增加之趨勢。因此本研究認為乳癌危險因子之探討,仍相當重要。本研究為探討桃園某家醫院之乳房篩檢資料進行乳癌危險因子探討,使用描述性統計分析、敘述性及雙變項分析以及邏輯式迴歸分析(Logistic regression)進?探討,試圖找出乳癌與其危險因子之關聯性。本研究結果顯示教育程度、BMI分級、直系血親乳癌家族史、初經年齡、停經、生育、餵哺母乳、服用賀爾蒙補充劑以及服用避孕藥等之上述變項,皆與乳房篩檢結果具顯著相關性。 According to “103-year cancer registration report” published by the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in December 2016, the incidence of breast cancer as the top female cancer was 11,769 with breast cancer. Compared with the number of the previous year, there were 441 new people, an increase is 3.89% in cancer rankings. Breast cancer ranks fourth in the top ten causes of cancer death. It also shows that the mortality rate of breast cancer in recent years has increased year by year. Therefore, this study considers that the risk factors of breast cancer are very important. The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors of breast cancer screening in a hospital in Taoyuan and to find out the association between breast cancer and its risk factors. The results of this study show that the education level, BMI classification, family history, age of the first menstrual period, menopause, fertility, breastfeeding, hormone supplementation, and contraceptive use are all significant with breast screening results.