【研究背景】自 1950 年起,全球老年人口總量便不斷上升,台灣的老年人口也早在 1993 年就巳突破了 7%,並成為聯合國所定義的高齡化社會;預估台灣老人人口將於 2025 年超過 20%,晉級為超高齡社會。 面對這老齡化現況已成為台灣社會很重要的議題,然而目前國人觀念及政府政策在長期照顧的投入仍以醫藥護為主軸,往往忽略了基本的營養照顧與疾病預防。本研究目的在於探討國人對於老年期飲食營養的觀念和社福資源及營養諮詢需求的了解,以供未來在營養照顧系統發展之參考。?研究方法?本研究採用為橫斷性問卷調查方式;問卷內容內容包含個人資料、老年期營養與健康概念、老年人照顧與社福資源與健康資訊管道等四部分,並經專家效度分析後作為研究工具,以網路填答、不記名、隨機方式取得資料。?結果?本研究共收集 295 份問卷並以描述性統計進行資料分析。結果指出,最令大家感到照護的困難點,經濟問題為首選,次為人手不足。46%的人有意願參與培訓。在老人平日照護的事件上,每餐確實進食名列第三重要。對於老人於疾病期的飲食的調整,整體 98.6%的人數認同飲食應依照老人所罹患的疾病來作調整。受訪者的營養知識來源以網路、醫師、報章雜誌為多,鮮少來自營養師本身。近八成二的受訪者認同營養師的營養專業,但是僅二成四的受訪者曾經找過營養師諮詢,僅有約一半的人知道到何處去找尋營養師,受訪者中僅占二成二願意花錢尋求營養諮詢。?結論?國人普遍認同老人疾病與飲食營養關係密切,並且認同營養師的專業,但是營養疾病諮詢管道不夠普及,加上國人沒有付費諮詢的觀念,因此無法取得正確的營養資源與協助,由此可見營養照顧支援系統在長照制度中尚需加強建構。 【Background】In Taiwan, the population is growing older. The people older than 65 years is defined to be “old” age. Taiwan has defined to be aging society in 1993 since there were 7% old population in the country. Considering the issue of aging care, the nutrition status and health is important but always be ignored by people and government strategy.?Objective?The study aims to clarify what extent people know about dietary nutrition for elder adult, necessary for nutrition counselling, social resource for age people. [Methods] The cross-section study was used. The questionnaire are composed of 4parts: the general information, the concept of elderly nutrition and health, social resource for age caring and the way to get nutrition information. The participants were ask to fill the questionnaire in network with no names on it.?Results?295 questionnaires were collected, and the descriptive statistics was used to analysis the data. The results indicated that the problem for elderly care is economy and member shortage in family. There were 40% participants willing to take the training of senior care skill. Regular meal eating was considered to be important for elderly health by the participants. 98.6% of participants agree with the dietary therapy for elderly disease. However, the three popular ways for participants to get nutrition information included from internet, doctor and magazines. They seldom got nutrition information comes from dietitian. Though there were 82% of participants agree at the profession of dietitian, only 24% of them has ever get nutrition counselling. There were half of participants didn’t know where to get dietitian, also 22% of them willing to pay for counselling. ?Conclusion?The importance of elderly nutrition and health, the profession of dietitian are accept and assurance. Owing to the absence of easy way to get nutrition counselling and the concept of user for toll, people could not get exact and correct nutrition information and dietary guide. Therefore, to establishe the more convenient way for people to get nutritional counselling is needed for the whole elderly care system.