1. 生物炭成品均為鹼性,隨熱裂解溫度升高,生物炭之電導度、比表面積與芳香性升高,親水性和極性則減弱。
2. 不同生物炭等溫吸附試驗,以C800對酚吸附能力較佳;O800與C800對磷酸根吸附能力較佳;O500對硝酸根吸附能力較佳。
3. 添加生物炭可緩衝仁德系土壤化肥淋洗pH值變化,對有機肥之淋洗pH值無明顯差異;高溫裂解生物炭與高添加量,易使化肥淋洗初期EC值升高,低溫裂解生物炭高添加量,易使有機肥淋洗後期EC值偏高;添加高溫裂解生物炭可有效減緩陳厝寮系土壤中化學及有機肥料之硝酸根淋脫附;高添加量可減緩化肥淋洗之磷酸根脫附;添加生物炭提高化肥淋洗鉀離子濃度,中高溫裂解生物炭可減緩有機碳淋洗脫附。
4. 由盆栽試驗結果得知,添加生物炭可提高土壤有機質與碳氮比,添加生物炭與半量化學肥料對土壤之植體株高與乾重提升效果較為顯著。 Biochar with high organic carbon content and high capability of adsorption would be used to improve the physico-chemical characteristics of soil, extend the release rate of fertilizer nutrient, decline the demand of fertilizer, and prevent nutrient loss from soil. As large development of mushroom industry, reuse of spent mushroom waste (SMW) had attracted researchers’ interest in recent years. In this study, various types of biochars made from SMW (mushroom, oyster mushroom and coral mushroom) with 300, 500 or 850℃, respectively. The evaluation of biochar application on effects of nutrient conservation and plant growth was conducted in the Je and Cce soils. The main conclusion were as following:
1. The biochar products presented pH in the range of 9.2-12.3, EC values, BET area and aromaticity were higher with high pyrolysis temperature. The hydrophilic and polarity properties of biochar decreased with increase of pyrolysis temperature.
2. Based on the isotherm adsortion of biochars, C800 showed the highest phenol sorption capacity; O800 and C800 showed best sorption capacity of phosphate, and O500 showed the highest nitrate sorption capacity.
3. The results showed that lechate pH was higher in the treatments of biochar addtion in Cce soil, thus no differences in Je soil. Initial EC in leachates by higher addition ratio of biochars and produced from higher pyrolysis temperature in red soil. The leaching rate of nitrate was delayed by biochar addition, but higher potassium loss was observed in the treatmentwith biochar addition. Low loss of organic matter with biochar addition in pyrolysis temperature of 500 and 800 in Je soil and no difference of potassium loss in the all treatment.
4. After 35-d pot experiment, increase of organic matter content and C/N ratio of soil was observed with biochar addendment. Plant height and dry weights was increased significantly with the treatment of 1/2 chemical fertilizer and biochar amended into soils.