摘要: | 本研究旨在探討環境教育設施場所教案內容的三個優化面向(多樣性、彈性及連貫性)對於滿意度之影響,研究方式為依據研究目的與問題彙整相關文獻分析探討,並研擬足以有效驗證優化內容與滿意度關聯之問卷並實施調查,藉由問卷分析歸納出結論與建議,提供相同類型環境教育場域,在設計及優化環境教育教案時之參酌依據。
本研究工具採用自編「環境教育課程方案編寫滿意度問卷調查」之問卷,研究對象選擇足以評估教案之人員,並要求確實審閱優化前、後教案再做本研究問卷填答。本研究共發放124份問卷,共得124份有效問卷,有效問卷率為100%,問卷數據透過IBM SPSS Statistics 20軟體進行相關數據統計分析,以t檢定分析多樣性、彈性、連貫性作為教案內容優化面向,與滿意度之間的差異性。分析結果顯示課程在多樣性及彈性面向之優化,與滿意度關聯呈現正相關,而連貫性與滿意度則無顯著差異。此外,教案透過實作課程、互動問答、小組討論比例增加,減少課程先備知識水平及制式學習單,將可強化學員課程專注度,增加課程學習成效,有效提升課程滿意度。 This study aims to explore the influences of the three optimizing dimensions (Variety, Flexibility, and Coherence) of environmental education facilities lesson plan upon satisfaction. The research integrated related literature reviews in accordance with research objectives and problems, and developed a questionnaire capable of sufficiently verifying the relationship among optimized lesson plans and satisfaction for conducting an investigation. Conclusions and suggestions were generalized from the questionnaire analysis to provide references when designing and advancing environmental education lesson plans in similar types of environmental education facilities.
The research approach adopted the self-designed “Environmental Education Curriculum Program Compilation Satisfaction Questionnaire”. Personnels who were qualified for assessing lesson plans were chosen as the research objectives and were asked to complete this questionnaire after surely reviewing pre and post optimized lesson plans. This study distributed a total of 124 questionnaires and collected 124 effective questionnaires. The effective recovery ratio of questionnaire was 100%. The software of IBM SPSS Statistics 20 was employed to undertake related statistic analysis and T-test was used to analyze the difference of satisfaction while Variety, Flexibility, and Coherence were served as optimizing dimensions of lesson plans. The analysis results indicated that the optimization of curriculum in the dimension of Variety and Flexibility demonstrated positive correlation with satisfaction, while showed no significant difference in that of Coherence. In addition, increasing practical courses, interactive quiz, and group discussion, and reducing prior knowledge level of curriculum and formal worksheets could reinforce students’ degree of attention, facilitate leaning effectiveness, and satisfaction of a course. |