本研究旨在探討國中生參與休閒活動的「休閒動機」、「休閒參與」、「休閒體驗」與「幸福感」之間的關係以及是否存在因果結構關係。本研究首先利用問卷調查,針對台南市三所公立國中學生,隨機抽取18班,共發放500份問卷,回收445份問卷,回收率為89%;其次,利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行分析,研究結果發現:一、「休閒動機」對「休閒參與」有直接影響效果,「休閒動機」對「休閒體驗」有直接影響效果,「休閒動機」對「幸福感」有直接影響效果。二、「休閒體驗」對「幸福感」有直接影響效果。三、「休閒參與」對「休閒體驗」與「幸福感」則沒有直接影響效果。四、「休閒體驗」對「休閒動機」與「幸福感」具有中介之效果。 根據研究結果顯示要增進國中生的幸福感,休閒動機與休閒體驗乃是關鍵因素,亦即當受試者休閒動機越強,將會提升其幸福感;當受試者休閒體驗效益越高,也會提升其幸福感。 The purpose of this study aims to explore the interrelationships among the leisure motivation, leisure participation, leisure experience and well-being of the junior high school students.The participants in this study were from three public junior high school students in Tainan City. A total of 500 questionnaires from 18 classes were issued and 445 were collected and 89% of them were valid.The data were analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study were as follows:1. “Leisure motivation” has direct influence on “leisure participation”. “Leisure motivation” has direct influence on “leisure experience”. “Leisure motivation” has direct influence on “well-being”.2. “Leisure experience” has direct influence on “well-being”.3. “Leisure participation” did not has direct influence on “leisure experience” and “well-being”.4. “Leisure experience” has the mediating effect on “leisure motivation” and “well-being”.The study showed that leisure motivation and leisure experience are the key factors to enhance the well-being of the students in junior high school. The stronger leisure motivation and the higher effect of the leisure experience the participants have, the greater well-being, they will enjoy.