經由統計分析獲得結論為:四重溪溫泉環境服務品質、設施服務解說顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度均屬於「滿意」程度。而在人口統計變項在溫泉的環境服務品質、設施服務解說顧客滿意度,其職業、教育程度、每月收入方面都有顯著差異。溫泉之環境服務品質、設施服務解說顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間有顯著相關。 Sichong River Hot Spring Area is located in the south of Taiwan, and it has excellent natural resources as well as special environment. If the providers can make good use of the local resources to create distinguishing feature or establish their styles, to raise the service quality, to reinforce the visitors’ satisfaction, to establish customers’ loyalty, the providers will raise the visitors’ will for the revisiting.
The pourses of resarch are to understand the situations of the service quality, the customers’ satisfaction and the customers’ loyalty in Sichong River Hot Spring Area, to examine the differences among service quality and the visitors’ satisfaction, to examine the relationships among service quality, the visitors’ satisfaction, and the customers’ loyalty for visitors, and to offer governmental departments and providers some aspects of improvements and reference material.
The objects of the study are the tourists who have stayed at the hot spring.By using questionnaire survey. Researchers sent out 470 questionnaires and retrieve 420 effective questionnaires. The overall response rate is 89%.
Through statistical analysis the conclusions that were gained are the service quality; the customers’ satisfaction and loyalty all belong to the “satisfied” degree. There are significant differences in service quality and the customers’ satisfaction among visitors with differences on occupation, educational level, and income. There are significant correlation among service quality, customers’ satisfaction, and the customers’ loyalty.