休閒觀光產業為二十一世紀最重要的產業之一,近??,由於經濟成長,國民所得日益提高,國人生活品質也隨之改善,加上網際網路的出現及資訊通訊科技日益發達,觀光旅遊活動在如此發達的網路環境中逐漸轉變,旅遊網路口碑成為消費者重要的資訊來源。然而,由於網路口碑具有匿名性,消費者所接收到的網路口碑可能會產生其可信度問題。本研究採文獻分析及問卷調查法,透過google網站建置問卷,以曾經使用網際網路搜尋溫泉旅遊住宿相關資訊並進行旅遊相關消費行為之民眾為對象,獲取相關資料作為本研究之依據,並分析其相關,藉以了解旅遊消費者訂購溫泉旅遊住宿與網路口碑接受度之情形。研究結果顯示,溫泉旅遊住宿消費者之不同遊客特性、網路資訊背景、溫泉旅遊產品涉入程度對網路口碑接受度皆達到顯著及正向之影響。在多元迴歸分析方面,網路口碑特性三大構面對溫泉旅遊消費者接受的影響力皆達到顯著及正向之影響,其影響程度為網路口碑互動性>網路口碑重要性>網路口碑正負性,顯示溫泉旅遊住宿消費者對於網路口碑接受程度會因不同遊客特性、不同消費者網路資訊素養背景、不同溫泉旅遊產品涉入程度而產生正面且顯著之差異,而網路口碑也會影響消費者對口碑之接受度。 Leisure tourism industry is one of the most important industries in the 21st century. In recent years, economic growth has brought the increasing national income and better quality of life. Meanwhlie, because of the emergence of Internet and the development of information and communication technologies, sightseeing tourism activities have also changed in such a developed network environment. Consumers can get information from Tourism Electronic Word-of-Mouth; however, that may cause credibility problems due to the anonymity of Electronic Word-of-Mouth.This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire survey, targeting people who have used the internet to search for hot spring travel accommodation related information and conduct travel related consumer behavior through the questionnaires set on Google website. In order to understand the situation of travel consumers booking hot spring accommodation and Electronic Word-of-Mouth acceptance, the study obtains relevant data as the basis, and analyzes its relevance.The results of the study show that the different tourist characteristics, online information background, and hot spring tourism product involvement of consumers of hot spring tourism accommodation all have significant and positive impacts on Electronic Word-of-Mouth acceptance. Under Multiple Regression Analysis, the three major components of Electronic Word-of-Mouth features have achieved significant and positive impact on the influence of hot-spring travel consumer acceptance. The degree of influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth is interaction> importance> appraisal, and it shows that in terms of Electronic Word-of-Mouth acceptance, hot spring tourism accommodation consumers have positive and significant differences due to different tourist characteristics, different consumer Internet information literacy backgrounds, and different levels of hot spring tourism product involvement. Electronic Word-of-Mouth will as well affect the acceptance of the consumers.