觀光遊憩與環境之間存在著相互作用的動力學過程,且發生在旅客活動的作用方式,遊憩活動與環境相容實地勘查及管理方式認知有助於對地區觀光遊憩環境影響進行分析,以便制定出有效的觀光發展規劃和相關政策。本研究以遊憩衝擊認知、行為意向及態度量表等相關理論為基礎,透過問卷調查,歸納出不同屬性遊客對環境資源管理方式的認知程度。根據實證分析結果顯示,就遊憩行為認知調查結果而言,民眾可以接受且認同的遊憩活動為「登山健行」,而認同度較低的則為「探洞」及「越野自行車」;就自然環境衝擊的經驗認知與管理方式而言,登山健行受訪者認同度最高分別為「山羌棲息衝擊」及「維持現況,加強教育解說」,在不同教育程度及年齡下,其認知皆偏向同意;越野自行車受訪者認同度最高分別為「自我安全防護措施」及「採分時段禁止制」,在不同教育程度及年齡下,其對管理方式「採分時段禁止制」則有認知上的差異;探洞受訪者認同度最高分別為「自我安全防護」及「申請許可制」,在不同教育程度及年齡下,其認知皆偏向同意。在民眾認同基礎下,園區未來管理策略應朝向提升生態解說能量,深化環境教育意涵,明定公告禁止事項,遊憩使用分區及園區資源管理方案的方向來擬定。 The dynamics process between tourism recreation and environment that exists interaction, and occurrence in the action way of traveller's activity. The local tourism recreation environmental impact and capacity can be analyzed by the recreational impact evaluation and management program to make the effective planning of tourism development and the related policy.The research has been based on the related theories of the recreational impact perception,behavior intentionand attitude scalethat can be described to the perception degree of different tourists from the of environmental resources management approach by questionnaire investigation.In terms of the investigation results of recreational behaviro perception, "the hiking" is the most acceptable recreational activity for approval, followed by "the entrance of the cave" and "cross bike".In terms of the experience perceptoin and management approach on natural environmental impact, the higher approval of respondents for hiking are "the impact on Formosan Reeve's muntjac habitat" and "maintain current conditions, strengthen interpretation and education", while the perception is all to approval under the different eduaction and age. The higher approval of respondents for crsoss bike are "self-safety precautions" and "adaption of period prohibition", while the perception of "adaption of period prohibition" is variance to approval under the different eduaction and age. The higher approval of respondents for the entrance of the cave are "self-safety precautions" and "permission for applying", while the perception is all to approval under the different eduaction and age.Based on the foundation of public recognition, the future management strategies should be constructed toward promotion of ecological interpretation, strengthening of environment education, announcement of prohibited activities, recreational land use zoning and resources managemnt program.