摘要: | 台灣護理人員的缺乏已不是新問題,長期持續的過程中,雖然每年有上萬護理新血畢業,但未必會投入這個醫療的大環境。新進護理人員雖然已踏入職場,但於進入職場後三個月內離職的比例也高達54.8%,(張慧蘭,盧美秀與林秋芬,2010)。護理人員的數量愈來愈少,更面臨到召募新進人員的困難與護理人員留任的問題,如何有效的留任護理人員是醫院管理者的一大目標與挑戰,除了新進人員的問題需要被關注以外,在職場上持續進行護理工作之護理人員也必須被重視。故利用問卷調查以南部某區域教學醫院之護理人員為例,探討其人格特質、工作滿意度與留任意願的關係。
本研究為南部某區域教學醫院人格特質、工作滿意度、留任意願與留任因素之相關性探討,採文獻調查蒐集相關資料及文獻,予以整理與分析,再以結構式問卷進行之,旨在瞭解影響臨床基層護理人員人格特質、工作滿意度、留任意願與留任因素的相關因素。本研究採用的Type A/B 人格特質量表,護理人員留任意願量表,以測量護理人員留任意願與留任因素量表將其結合成一份問卷,經信效度分析後,並做研究醫院之護理人員之普查。
本研究對象中顯示41-50歲護理人員之留任意願大於21-30歲與31-40歲。已婚者留任意願高於未婚者。而子女人數變項:子女人數2人者留任意願大於無子女者。不同人格特質(type A, type B)並不會影響臨床護理人員之留任意願與留任因素。本研究對象之留任滿意度得分總合平均數為 3.00分(± .58),表示研究對象對於留任於研究醫院之意願呈現中等程度。本研究對象針對「願意繼續從事目前的護理工作」得分最高分,為3.32分(± .70),但「我會考慮辭去目前的工作」之得分為 3.00(± .90),而「我會考慮辭去目前的工作」其平均分數與總合平均數是相同的,表示護理人員對於是否要留任保持觀望,有離職之想法。
本研究以線性迴歸分析檢驗臨床護理人員人口學變項、內在工作滿意度、外在工作滿意度、人格特質、留任因素與留任意願表現結果留任意願之迴歸模型模式:「護理人員個人屬性、內在工作滿意度、外在工作滿意度、人格特質會影響留任意願」成立,並達顯著意義。留任因素之迴歸模型模式:「外在工作滿意度、人格特質會影響留任因素」成立。 The shortage of nurses has always existed. Although many people graduated from nursing school, not all of them are interested in engaging in nursing work. Moreover, according to Hui Lan Zhang, Mei Xiu Lu, and Qiu Fen Lin’s survey in 2010, approximately 54.8% of new nurses resigned within 3 months. Many administrators in the regional hospitals faced difficulties in recruiting new nurses. Not only issues associated with new nurses’ intent to stay but also the problems associated with existing nurses should be considered. Questionnaire was therefore used to investigate the relationship among nurses’ personality, job satisfaction and intention to stay.This study adopted structured questionnaires to examine nurses’ personality, job satisfaction, intention to stay and factors associated with intention to stay at a teaching regional hospital in southern Taiwan. A questionnaire containing the personality type A/B scale, the job satisfaction scale, and the intention of stay scale was used to collect data after reliability and validity assessment.
The survey indicated the nurses aged 41 to 50 years had stronger willingness to remain employed than those aged 21 to 30 years and 31 to 40 years. Married nurses had stronger willingness to remain employed than single nurses. The nurses who had 2 children had strong willingness than those without child. Different personality types didn’t influence nurses’ intention to stay and associated factors. The mean score for intention to remain employed was 3.0 (± .58) out of 5 indicating moderate level of intention to remain employed. The willingness score of keeping nursing jobs was highest, with 3.32 (± .70), but the score of considering quitting jobs was 3.00 (± .90) indicating nurses experienced ambivalent feeling toward willingness of stay or quitting jobs.
Regression analyses were performed to examine demographic variables, internal working satisfaction, external working satisfaction, personality factors associated with intention to stay and willingness to remain employed. The finding showed that demographic variables, internal working satisfaction, external working satisfaction and nurses’ personality had significant associations with intention to stay, external working satisfaction and nurses’ personality were associated with factors related to intention to stay. |