《千字文》自問世以來,即成為家喻戶曉的啟蒙教材之一。直至清末民初,新式學校普遍設立,新式教材推出後,才漸趨式微。而近年來隨著讀經運動的推行,又成為重要的讀經文本之一。本文就《千字文》的各層面來進行分析,探討《千字文》的儒學思想與其在國小語文教學上的運用。首先探究《千字文》的外緣與內容,而後從天道觀、道德倫理觀、處世觀、歷史觀等四方面論述《千字文》的儒學思想,並從識字量、字頻、筆畫、部首、與國小國語課本生字的比較等五方面,分析《千字文》的用字,及其在國小語文教學上之運用。《千字文》在古代極具啟蒙價值,盼能借鏡古人之教材,透過本文研究,進而有助提升現代國小學童之語文能力。 " Thousand Character Classic " has become one of the well-known enlightening materials since its release. Until the late Qin Dynasty and early Republic, when new schools were extensively set up and new materials were released, its popularity dropped. For the past few years, with the promotion of reading scriptures, it has become one of the most important scriptures. This thesis analyzes all the aspects of " Thousand Character Classic " and discusses the application of its Confucian philosophy on the language teaching in the elementary school. First of all, it researches on the relation and contents and then discusses the Confucian philosophy from the aspects of Tiandaoguan, moral ethics, conducting oneself and history; it compares the quantity of literacy, the character frequency, strokes, components and the vocabulary in the Chinese textbooks in elementary schools to analyze the word using of " Thousand Character Classic " and its application in the language teaching in the elementary school. In ancient times, " Thousand Character Classic " had highly enlightening value; it is hoped to use the material of the ancient and the research of this thesis to help improve the language proficiency of primary school students nowadays.