身處春秋末期,群雄割據,孔子周遊列國提倡「仁」的思想,成為後來儒家哲學的主要學說,在我國傳統文化佔有一席之地。琦君便是出身於儒風濃厚之傳統家庭,受儒學影響極甚。本論文以「琦君散文中的儒行風範人物研究」為主題,以《夢中的餅乾屋》、《母親的金手表》、《琦君散文精選》三本琦君散文精選集為主要材料,分析琦君散文中符合《禮記˙儒行》篇儒行風範之人物,目的在瞭解儒家思想對兩千年後的中華民族發揮了何種影響力,以及在作品中蘊藏這些儒家傳統價值觀的琦君,對儒學的承先啟後,對於後世又將有何影響。因此,本論文希望藉由琦君散文與《禮記˙儒行》間的連結研究,彰顯文學無遠弗屆的影響力,儒家文化的流傳不息。 Qi Jun was famous among 20th and 21st centuries. Her articles were about theold time in hometown, and interests of life. Moreover her works was popular inall ages and some were selected into text books in high schools and elementaryschools. Qi Jun had been through hard times in the beginning of R.O.C. Asborn in a traditional Confucian’s family, Qi Jun’s was strongly inspired byConfucianism, and She spreaded good willing to public with her sincerity andthankul mind in hard times.
The study aimed to analyze the characters who meted the models in chapterRuxing of Liji of Qi Jun’s books, which were “Cookie House in The Dream”,“Mother’s Golden Watch”, “Qi Jun’s Prose Collection”. At beginning of theessay, the researcher would like to introduce Qi Jun and try to find the factorswhich were influenced with Confucianism from analyzing the peculiarities ofher article. Also reseacher claasify that Confucian style into five categories,which are cultivation of morals, life’s attitudes, treating others, applying forofficial position, and having awareness of the world. Last researchercategorized the characters from Qi Jun’s books to the above categories. Theconclusion of the study were that Qi Jun dedicated to spread the traditionalgood manners and the bright side of human. Qi Jun had great contribution toinherit and pass the Confucian thought, and her prose manifested the unlimitedpower of literature and the Confucian’s thought would be flowing as a steadystream.