老年人因為身體功能逐漸衰退,容易患許多慢性疾病且面對人生工作退休後之生活改變及社會角色的改變,減少與社會互動的機會,導致失能老年人更容易產生退縮情感與憂鬱情形,甚至出現極端之自殺行為,老年人面對身體健康狀態的改變及肢體活動度的受限導致參與休閒活動有許多困難,本研究探討台南市關廟區失能銀髮族老年人休閒活動參與、自覺健康對憂鬱情況的影響狀態。研究方法以量化研究為主,質化研究為輔,針對參與臺南市照顧服務管理中心65歲以上老年人進行面訪並且發放52份問卷,回收52份,有效問卷52份,再進行質化深入訪談3位實務專家。經由分析結果顯示:老年人休閒活動與自覺健康狀態有正相關。老年人之休閒活動參與對老年人憂鬱情況有負相關,部分成立。老年人自覺健康狀態對老年人憂鬱情形有負相關。不同人口統計變項之老年人在憂鬱情況有顯著差異。 Senior citizen suffer from chronic diseases easily because their body functions gradually decline. After retirement, their lives and social roles will change and so will reduce the opportunities for social interaction. These situations will lead to disability elderly more likely to cause emotional withdrawal and depression, and even extreme suicidal behavior. Restricted change of physical health status and physical activity will cause many difficulties for them to participate in leisure activities. The purpose in this study discusses the research about the study of leisure activities participation and self-perceived health status toward senior citizen’s depression tendency. The study puts emphasis on quantitative method and qualitative method. The study collected 52 samples and the retrieved valid questionnaires are calculated to 52 copies. The interview three experts to correct the first quantitative research. The results show the elderly leisure activities participation is related to self-perceives health status . The elderly leisure activities participation is related to senior citizen’s depression tendency. Self-perceived health status is related to senior citizen’s depression tendency. Different demographic variables of the elderly were significantly different toward senior citizen’s depression tendency.