摘要: | 流行性感冒是大家常見的一般疾病,近年來流行性感冒的盛行有別於往常的趨勢,有鑑於此,從社區藥局的角度,如何運用民眾購買非處方藥感冒類製劑的趨勢來探討與類流感的盛行關係,以建立社區藥局藥師能參與防疫系統,適時對民眾用藥及衛教先機,落實預防醫學,並藉由分析與運用數據,來提升社區藥局藥品的採購與存貨管理,因應供需、降低營運成本,讓社區藥局的經營更具管理效能。本研究採用政府公開資料庫-傳染病統計資料查詢系統之數據與連鎖藥局各門市之非處方藥感冒類製劑銷售記錄,研究資料區間為2012年至2015。統計數據顯示類流感就診人次在全國與台北區趨勢幾近雷同,而連鎖藥局門市近80%集中於台北區分析,因此爾後數據分析以台北區類流感就診人次及非處方藥感冒類製劑銷售資料作為代表推估,以取得與連鎖藥局非處方藥感冒類製劑銷量的相關趨勢,藉以瞭解藥師介入照護時機,並期能找出藥局非處方藥感冒類製劑之採購建議模組(備貨安全量),達到藥局營運暢貨之目的。研究結果顯示出類流感就診人次與非處方藥感冒類製劑銷售具有高度相關性,且具有警示指標作用趨勢,因此社區藥局藥師應可依據這個研究所得之相關分析趨勢適時介入用藥諮詢並衛教,提高民眾的自我防護意識,得以有效避免感染及傳播流感;另外,再運用迴歸分析建立連鎖藥局非處方藥感冒類製劑備貨建議模型,達到藥局商品迴轉率提升,降低因存貨過多、效期管理不當導致報廢的機率,或因備貨量不足致使顧客抱怨,讓藥局的經營更具管理效力與效率。 Influenza is a common disease. The prevalence of influenza in recent years is more different from the usual trend. In the view from the community pharmacy, it is worthy to correlate the buying behavior of the public on non-prescription drugs with the outbreak of the epidemic so that precaution and actions can be taken. For example, this established correlation would alert community pharmacists to foresee the coming of widespread diseases and implementation of preventive medicine and public health education can be done in time. In addition, the data of the correlation would help community pharmacy to have optimization on their management for better and efficient business managements, e.g. an increased turnover rate of drugs in storage, less time in responding medical needs and cost reduction. An open access government institution data bank (CDC statistics & analysis, Taiwan) and selling records (year 2012-2015) of non-prescription flu-like drugs from a chain pharmacy store were applied for the correlation. The statistical results show that the trend toward the number of outpatients nationwide on flu-like illness is in agreement with number changes of flu-like outpatients in Taipei area. Since 80 % of these pharmacy stores are located in Taipei area, we used the selling figures of non-prescription drugs to represent the on flu-like illness in Taipei area for creating the correlation with the national data. Our results also indicate that the sales of non-prescription drugs on flu-like illness are positively related to the number of outpatients who seek flu/cold clinical treatments. This observation is a useful indication for community pharmacists to be alert and take possible actions to intervene an epidemic outbreak nationwide. By knowing this indication, community pharmacists could lower the infection between individuals through drug consultation together with health education to prevent the spread of illness. On the other hand, conducting an analysis on the sale profiles would be helpful for preparation of drug product stocks. The analyzed information would also benefit pharmacists to manage their business because it would bring down the occurrence of a low turnover rate, too many and ineffective stocks, too few supplies in demand or waste of products causing by improper storage. |