摘要: | 近年來由於醫療產業蓬勃發展與健保政策更新變革,醫療機構間的競爭漸趨白熱化。醫療服務品質是醫療照護體系共同持續維持的目標,國內外已有許多有關醫療服務品質及病人滿意度相關的研究,以往研究中以醫學中心及區域醫院居多,因此,本研究探討南部某地區醫院門診就醫病人滿意度及其回診、推薦親友意願之相關性。本研究以南部某地區醫院門診病人為主要研究對象,調查時間2016年03月~2016年10月,以結構式問卷針對病人基本資料、環境設施、服務態度、醫療過程、等候時間與服務結果為調查構面,刪除不適合資料後,以有效樣本282筆資料進行分析。調查結果發現,看病原因是親友推薦與服務態度好的受試者等候時間滿意度較高。回診意願與性別、年齡、看病原因 - 親友推薦、看病原因 - 醫療設備佳、看病原因 - 醫術高明、看病原因 - 服務態度好等人口學變項有顯著相關。推薦親友意願與所屬科別、看病原因 - 親友推薦、看病原因 - 醫療設備佳、看病原因 - 醫術高明、看病原因 - 服務態度好等人口學變項有顯著相關。性別、看病原因 - 親友推薦、看病原因 - 服務態度好,服務結果滿意度能顯著預測影響回診意願。看病原因 - 親友推薦、看病原因 - 服務態度好,服務結果滿意度能顯著預測影響「推薦親友意願。由以上門診就醫滿意度的分析結果,建議醫院定期進行就醫病人滿意度調查及分析,以了解就醫病人的需要及訴求,以提供友善就醫環境服務與建立良好的醫病關係。另辦理社區醫療活動,以建立醫院是社區好厝邊的形象,使社區醫院成為民眾健康守護者。 In recent years, the competition among medical institutions is more intensive due to development of medical industry and implementation of National Health Insurance. Moreover, people have freedom to choose any medical institution for illness treatments. As a result, medical institutions should provide patient-centered care to meet patients’ expectation and satisfaction for high medical service quality.A total of 282 outpatients at a southern regional hospital were sampled in this study. Data was collected using structured questionnaire including demographic characteristics, hospital facilities, staff’s attitudes, treatment processes, waiting time of patients and consequences of service from March 2016 to October 2016. This study explored patient satisfaction with service quality and used the results as basis for improving quality of medical service and development continuous monitoring strategy for medical safety. Results revealed that patients visiting due to the recommendation from friends or relatives and good staff’s attitude had higher satisfaction scores in the satisfaction of waiting time Intention to revisit was significantly associated with gender, age, and receiving medical treatment reasons of friends or relatives’ recommendation, hospital facilities, trust in doctor’s professional conduct, and staff’s attitude. Willingness to recommend was significantly associated with department visited, receiving medical treatment reasons of friends or relatives’ recommendation, hospital facilities, public praise, and staff’s attitude. Intention to revisit was significantly predicted by gender, receiving medical treatment reasons of friends or relatives’ recommendation, and staff’s attitudes and consequences of service satisfaction. Willingness to recommend was significantly predicted by receiving medical treatment reasons of friends or relatives’ recommendation, and staff’s attitudes and consequences of service satisfaction.Patient satisfaction survey should be conducted periodically to evaluate patient’s need and provide friendly healthcare service for establishing a good relationahip with patients; in addition, providing community healthcare services can furtherly create a good hospital-community partnership. |